Tuesday, July 26, 2016

More Comments With African American Vernacular English About Michelle Obama's 2016 Speech

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series about First Lady Of The United States (FLOTUS) Michelle Obama's 2016 DNC speech.

Part II showcases a video about Michelle Obama that was played at that convention right before her speech. Part II also includes selected comments about Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama that were included in a July 26, 2016 Black Kos Tuesday's Chile article. This post showcases a video introducing First Lady of the United States ((FLOTUS) Michelle Obama that was shown immediately before her speech to the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/07/certain-vernacular-words-phrases-in.html for Part I of this series. Part I showcases a video of First Lady Of The United States (FLOTUS) gave at the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC).

A link to a full transcript of that speech is included in this post along with a review and a synopsis of that speech.

That post also includes selected comments about that speech from twitter and other internet sites that include vernacular American English words and phrases. This post also includes definitions of many of these vernacular words and sayings.

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, political, etymological, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Michelle Obama for her words, actions, and her positive role modeling. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/07/26/1551653/-Black-Kos-Tuesday-s-Chile Black Kos, Tuesday's Chile, by Black Kos, Our FLOTUS brings down the house at the DNC2016;Commentary by Black Kos Editor Denise Oliver-Velez" /07/26
"Yes — “our” First Lady.

Black folks lay a special claim to First Lady Michelle Obama. Sure, she is beloved by many people worldwide and across party lines here in the U.S. However she will always have a major place in the hearts of black Americans — not just because of her position as the first black woman to become a First Lady, alongside of her very special husband, our POTUS, Barack Obama — she is our heart because of who she is.

I tuned in to watch the DNC yesterday, from the beginning. I was elated to see so many women, and men of color representing Democrats, up on that podium. What a difference from the sterile, almost monochromatic RNC — the party of hate, racism, sexism and xenophobia.

I was not happy about the sporadic outbursts and boos from a certain segment of the “couthless” attending the DNC. I was keeping an eye on Black Twitter at the same time, and there were loud rumblings about how we were gonna erupt into a “take off your earrings” moment if those folks dared to diss Michelle.

It didn’t happen. Michelle Obama dropped the mic and brought the house down, to rounds and rounds of applause. As the cameras cut away from her speech from time to time to scan the onlookers, the smiles, tears and intense emotions displayed told the story.

In case you missed the intro before she took the stage — here it is."...

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Michelle Obama Intro Video

Democratic National Convention, Published on Jul 25, 2016

From http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/07/26/1551653/-Black-Kos-Tuesday-s-Chile Black Kos, Tuesday's Chile, by Black Kos, 2016/07/26

These comments are given without notations or explanations. They are given in chronological order, with the oldest comments given first, except for replies. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. I've assigned to these comments for referencing purposes only. All of these comments are from July 26, 2016

1. Ian Reifowitz Jul 26 · 04:04:13 PM
"Michelle was awesome. Her speech thrilled me, I couldn’t have been more excited and proud. Thanks for a great selection as always, and Happy Tuesday, friends!"

2. Denise Oliver Velez - Ian Reifowitz Jul 26 · 04:07:22 PM
"Thanks Ian.

She got good press — except from wingnuts who don’t believe her quote about slaves building the WH. They are so damn ignorant."

3. Vita Brevis Jul 26 · 04:07:28 PM
"Happy Tuesday all. Michelle Obama’s speech last night was everything. EVERYTHING. Just popping in for a minute.... Peace. Love. Chocolate."

4. ord avg guy Jul 26 · 04:08:17 PM
The FLOTUS was absolutely amazing. It takes a lot to get tears to well up from me just watching a speech. Michelle Obama managed tdo it last night.

5. JoanMar - ord avg guy Jul 26 · 04:14:52 PM
"I cry far too easily and it is so annoying. But I didn’t feel annoyed as I cried last night. She was beautiful. The speech was just awesome. And who would you say is the better speaker now? Michelle or her husband? What a great problem to have. :)"

6. Denise Oliver Velez Ian Reifowitz Jul 26 · 04:07:22 PM
..."She got good press — except from wingnuts who don’t believe her quote about slaves building the WH. They are so damn ignorant.

7. Ian Reifowitz Denise Oliver Velez Jul 26 · 04:08:57 PM
Their ignorance is not our country’s bliss...."

8. justiceputnam Jul 26 · 04:58:06 PM
RogueJusticeNominee @justiceputnam
The RW thinks the White House was built by guest workers.
9:15 AM - 26 Jul 2016

9. JoanMar Jul 26 · 04:08:55 PM
...Yes, Sis, our FLOTUS is all sorts of awesome! I turned into the morning shows this morning and everybody agrees that it is one of the best speeches in the history of party conventions.

As my bro CK pointed out, she threw a little shade but it was so beautifully done, so subtly that many people may have missed it.
Thank you all, thank you so much. It is hard to believe that it has been eight years since I first came to this convention to talk with you about why I thought my husband should be president. Remember how I told you about his character and his conviction? His decency and grace? The traits we have seen every day he has served our country in the White House.


She was talking about her husband and his character and his decency and grace. Haha. Absolutely loved it!

10. Its the Supreme Court Stupid Jul 26 · 04:11:49 PM
"Greetings to the porch! Michelle’s speech last night was amazing. I am facing a really tough decision: Who am I going to miss more? Michelle or Barack? Arggghh! I can’t decide!"

11. Denise Oliver Velez - Its the Supreme Court Stupid Jul 26 · 04:21:12 PM

12. mallyroyal Jul 26 · 04:15:22 PM
"it’s well known in our community, but little discussed out of it (that I’ve seen) that we didn’t really warm to Barack until we got to know Michelle.

she’s like a distillation of the greatest women in our community, and we all did a collective “well if this brilliant and beautiful sista from the South Side loves him...”

13. Denise Oliver Velez mallyroyal Jul 26 · 04:17:05 PM
"Hey Cuz.

Yup. She gave him bona fides."

14. Denise Oliver Velez - JoanMar Jul 26 · 04:14:30 PM
"Loved her subtle shade — heh — she is good at it."

15. Denise Oliver Velez Chitown Kev Jul 26 · 04:36:10 PM
I just posted aji’s tweet about that — here’s part of it — shows the resentment of being told — y’all better not boo :)

Julia Prodis Sulek @juliasulek
Rowdy California Sanders delegates told by fellow delegates: "hands off Michelle Obama." This is what they did."
11:02 PM - 25 Jul 2016 · Wells Fargo Center, United States

16. mallyroyal - Denise Oliver Velez Jul 26 · 04:42:35 PM
"good for the planners, cause when I tell you every black soul in that hall would have gone OFF..!

maaaaaaan lol."

17. freshwater dan Jul 26 · 04:35:37 PM
"I'm not familiar with the "Take off your earrings" reference."

18. Denise Oliver Velez - freshwater dan Jul 26 · 04:40:41 PM
"heh — when Sistahs get ready to throw down — they take off their earrings so they aren’t ripped out of their ears"

19. Chitown Kev - freshwater dan Jul 26 · 04:42:48 PM
"It’s an…..uh...“inner city” reference for when someone is ready to fight"

20. Chitown Kev - Denise Oliver Velez Jul 26 · 04:44:29 PM
"lol, I was watching an old episode of Living Single when Max and Regine got into a fight and Max ripped off Regine’s weave, lol (it was the 100th episode I think, you can find it on youtube"

21. Denise Oliver Velez - Chitown Kev Jul 26 · 04:47:17 PM
"Will look for it. Chile — don’t be messin’ up a weave."

22. Denise Oliver Velez Chitown Kev Jul 26 · 04:46:18 PM
"i know several girls — black, latina and italian who have earlobes that were ripped."

23. Pithy Cherub - freshwater dan Jul 26 · 04:56:15 PM
"If a black woman takes off her earrings and tells you to hold her purse, somebody is getting a beatvdown right royally. :)"

24. Denise Oliver Velez Pithy Cherub Jul 26 · 04:57:57 PM
"Latinas too :)"

25. Pithy Cherub - Denise Oliver Velez Jul 26 · 05:02:12 PM
"Yep. My sister in law, a bad a** Latina weighing 100 lbs told a lady twice her size that and she was breathing fire. The lady ran away.lol"

26. Denise Oliver Velez - Pithy Cherub Jul 26 · 05:15:26 PM
"That’s from growin up with mom’s expert with “la chancleta/ la chancla ”

(for those who don’t speak Spanish — that’s a sandal or flip flop— which gets lobbed like a boom-a-rang by mama"

27. mallyroyal - JoanMar Jul 26 · 04:55:46 PM
"it sounds like a joke but some of my friends were in that hall. they’d have done exactly that, and broke out the vaseline just in case lmaooo"

28. Pithy Cherub Jul 26 · 04:54:55 PM
"I love Michelle Obama for wearing Christian Siriano's dress last night. He was the ONLY designer that would dress Leslie Jones for the Ghostbusters 2 premier. No one else would help her! That is the essence of Black Girl Magic. Michelle knew who helped a sister out!

Earlier this year, Michelle used the exact language of sleeping in a White House built by slaves in an exceptional commencement address.

Y'all, some privileged California, ugh on not representing my state well, Berners were gonna get laid the eff out if they booed Michelle. That was made very clear. Black folks not having that childish behavior....

29. Denise Oliver Velez - Pithy Cherub Jul 26 · 04:57:29 PM
"That is so beautiful! Thank you — didn’t know the backstory"

30. Pithy Cherub - Denise Oliver Velez Jul 26 · 05:04:13 PM
"Yep I wrote a tweet thanking him. But I remembered as soon as I saw the dress last night. Michelle was representing!"

31. JoanMar - Pithy Cherub Jul 26 · 04:58:56 PM
"I didn’t know that. That’s huge. Let’s throw his name out there: Christian Siriano.

I am not a huge fan of Leslie Jones, but when I heard of how she was dissed, my heart went out to her. Great of the FLOTUS to honor him like that.

The dress was beautiful!”.

32. wasatch Jul 26 · 07:30:22 PM
It felt false to wish people a good week last week, as the RNC was so horrifying to me (and I’m not even one of their nominee’s targets, other than being a woman over 50 with generous proportions and boring clothes, a “fat pig” in Trumpese).

But this week? Hallelujah! What a turnaround. Other than the few booing nihilists (pray for laryngitis!) this convention is a whole new world.

And Michelle turned me right around from the lingering effects of the scary people.

Can I call Michelle the next time I have a nightmare? You know she’d be the best.

Will have to return to that speech. There was this combination of mature, dead-serious steel with a soothing warmth and light touch that is so very powerful. That’s First Lady Obama all over. Layered, intelligent, and lots to unpack in that speech.

Enjoy the rest of the convention! Have a great week!!"

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