Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chadian Singer Yasmine - "Hommage A Ma Mere" & Four Other Videos

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post presents information about the African nation of Chad and showcases five videos of Chadian singer Yasmine.

This post is part of a continuing pancocojams series about music in Islamic Africa. Click the tab below for other posts in this series.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

In addition to the music, I am interested in documenting and sharing examples of the traditional clothing and hairstyles, contemporary clothing and hairstyles, the traditional dances, and contemporary dances that are shown in these videos.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Yasmine for her contributions to Chadian culture. Thanks also to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. In addition, thanks to the producers and the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
I haven't found any biographical information about Chadian singer Yasmine. If you know of any links to that information or can share information about this singer, please add those links and/or information in the comment section below. The English language title of these songs and English language summaries for these songs would also be appreciated. Thanks!

Chad… is a landlocked country in northern Central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest and Niger to the west. It is the fifth largest country in Africa in terms of area…
Ethnic groups

A tribal delegation
Chad has more than 200 distinct ethnic groups, which create diverse social structures. The colonial administration and independent governments have attempted to impose a national society, but for most Chadians the local or regional society remains the most important influence outside the immediate family. Nevertheless, Chad's peoples may be classified according to the geographical region in which they live.

In the south live sedentary people such as the Sara, the nation's main ethnic group, whose essential social unit is the lineage. In the Sahel sedentary peoples live side-by-side with nomadic ones, such as the Arabs, the country's second major ethnic group. The north is inhabited by nomads, mostly Toubous.

Chad's official languages are Arabic and French, but over 100 languages and dialects are spoken. Due to the important role played by itinerant Arab traders and settled merchants in local communities, Chadian Arabic has become a lingua franca....

Chad is a religiously diverse country. The 1993 census found that 54% of Chadians were Muslim (of these, according to a Pew report 48% professed to be Sunni, 21% Shia, 4% Ahmadi and 23% just Muslim).[58] Of the others, 20% were Roman Catholic, 14% Protestant, 10% animist, while 3% did not profess any religion.[37]…. Animism includes a variety of ancestor and place-oriented religions whose expression is highly specific. Islam is expressed in diverse ways; for example, according to the Pew report mentioned earlier 55% of Muslim Chadians belong to Sufi orders.[58] Christianity arrived in Chad with the French and American missionaries; as with Chadian Islam, it syncretises aspects of pre-Christian religious beliefs.[7] Muslims are largely concentrated in northern and eastern Chad, and animists and Christians live primarily in southern Chad and Guéra.[36] The constitution provides for a secular state and guarantees religious freedom; different religious communities generally co-exist without problems...

The music of Chad includes a number of unusual instruments such as the kinde, a type of bow harp; the kakaki, a long tin horn; and the hu hu, a stringed instrument that uses calabashes as loudspeakers. Other instruments and their combinations are more linked to specific ethnic groups: the Sara prefer whistles, balafones, harps and kodjo drums; and the Kanembu combine the sounds of drums with those of flute-like instruments.

The music group Chari Jazz formed in 1964 and initiated Chad's modern music scene. Later, more renowned groups such as African Melody and International Challal attempted to mix modernity and tradition. Popular groups such as Tibesti have clung faster to their heritage by drawing on sai, a traditional style of music from southern Chad. The people of Chad have customarily disdained modern music. However, in 1995 greater interest has developed and fostered the distribution of CDs and audio cassettes featuring Chadian artists. Piracy and a lack of legal protections for artists' rights remain problems to further development of the Chadian music industry."...



Chaîne de maxkoffi, Published on Mar 6, 2012

Example #2: Yasmine la guerre les orphelins

abou, Published on Aug 18, 2012

Example #3: Yasmine - Laisse moi t'aimé

Mahamat Abdraman Published on Feb 5, 2015
Musique tchadienne

Example #4: Yasmine - Dieu bénisse les fammes

Mahamat Abdraman, Published on Feb 5, 2015

Musique Tchadienne

Example #5: Yasmine - Managdar ni iche balack

Mahamat Abdraman, Published on Feb 5, 2015

Musique Tchaddienne

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