Monday, July 25, 2016

Brazilian Capoeira Song "A Manteiga Derramou" (Lyrics, Explanation, & Videos)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post presents Portuguese lyrics and English translations of the Brazilian capoeira song "A Manteiga Derramou". An explanation of that song and five YouTube examples of "A Manteiga Derramou" are also included in this post.

Information about Capoeira Angola is given in the notes that are found after the sound file given as Example #3.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and all those who quoted in this post. Special thanks to Mathew Brigham (Espaguete) for hosting the website on popular capoeira songs which featured the lyrics for "A Manteiga Derramou" and its explanation.


Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou
E a manteiga não é minha
E a manteiga é de ioiô*

Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou

E a manteiga não é minha
E a manteiga é de ioiô

Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou

A manteiga é de ioiô
Caiu na água e se molhou

Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou

A manteiga é do patrão
Caiu no chão e derramou

Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou

A manteiga não é minha
É prá filha de ioiô...

Vou dizer a meu sinhô
Que a manteiga derramou

A slave narrative about a "mysterious" spillage. A container full of butter has been knocked over, and no one is taking responsibility. When asked, a slave says, "it's not my butter, it's the master's butter," which, while technically true, does not help resolve the matter. Slaves would often use such tactics of "passive resistance" to remind the master of his dependence on them.

* ioiô / ioiá (yoh-YOH / yah-YAH)
These were the master's children, who were often allowed to play with slave children until a certain age. When slave children reached working age, however, they were separated from their white friends. Slaves would often resent these children thereafter, blaming accidents (like the one above) on them.

THE BUTTER SPILLED [English translation]

I'm going to tell my lord
That the butter spilled
The butter is not mine
It is the master's butter

I'm going to tell my boss
That the butter spilled

The butter is not mine
The butter is the boss’

I'm going to tell my boss
That the butter spilled

The butter is the boss’
It fell in the water and got wet

I'm going to tell my boss
That the butter spilled

The butter is the boss'
It fell on the ground and spilled

I'm going to tell my boss
That the butter spilled

The butter is not mine
It's for the master's daughter

I'm going to tell my boss
That the butter spilled

Source for Portuguese lyrics, English translation, and explanation:

These lyrics are reformatted for this post.

Notice that this song has a call & response format as is the case with many songs from Africa and from the African Diaspora.

These examples are given in chronological order based on their publishing date on YouTube, with the oldest example given first.

Example #1: Montagem manteiga!!! Homenagem ao Branco!!!! MANOLO!!!!

Marcio Emiliano, Uploaded on Jul 30, 2010

Uma pequena homenagem ao meu blood brother Manolo!!!!! E ao dormecido (vulgo) Branco!!!! ressucita Branco!!!!!!

Google translate from Portuguese to English:
A small tribute to my blood brother Manolo !!!!! And the dormecido (aka) White !!!! resurrects White

Example #2: Música de Capoeira- A manteiga derramou/A lua tá cheia clareou

henriquecarnaúba rodrigues, Uploaded on Dec 30, 2011

Cantiga cantada pelo capoeira Erê aluno do Professor Testa/Grupo Capoeira Brasil Fortaleza-ce. Música de autoria de Carnaúba: Capoeira A lua tá cheia

Google translate from Portuguese to English:
Ditty sung by Ere capoeira student of Professor Testa / Grupo Capoeira Brazil Fortaleza-ce. Authorship music Carnauba: Capoeira The moon're full
Here's a comment from that video's discussion thread:

Dr.R2, 2013
"vou dizer a meu Sinhor que a manteiga derramou...
Oi a manteiga nao é minha é para a filha de IoiO"

Google translate from Portuguest to English: I will tell my Lord that the butter has melted ...
Hi butter is not mine is to the daughter of yoyo

Example #3: Vou dizer ao meu senhor que a manteiga derramou! CAPOEIRA

Vera Moranguinho Published on Apr 11, 2013

Evento Wil Capoeira em São José dos Campos - 06/abril/2013.

Example #4: A Manteiga Derramou

Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho – Topic, Published on Jan 19, 2015

Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises

A Manteiga Derramou · Grupo De Capoeira Angola Pelourinho
Capoeira Angola is one style of capoeira. Other capoeira styles are Capoeira Regional and Capoeira Contemporânea, a mixed style began to take form, with practitioners taking the aspects they considered more important from both Regional and Angola. [as per Wikipedia article whose link is given below]

Here's some information about Capoeira Angola from
"Capoeira Angola refers to every capoeira that keeps the traditions held before the creation of the Regional style.

Existing in many parts of Brazil since colonial times, most notably in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Recife, it's impossible to tell where and when Capoeira Angola began taking its present form. The name Angola starts as early as the beginning of slavery in Brazil, when Africans, taken to Luanda to be shipped to the Americas, were called in Brazil "black people from Angola", regardless of their nationality. In some places of Brazil people would refer to capoeira as "playing Angola" and, according to Mestre Noronha, the capoeira school Centro de Capoeira Angola Conceição da Praia, created in Bahia, already used the name Capoeira Angola illegally in the beginning of the 1920 decade.[19]

The name Angola was finally immortalized by Mestre Pastinha at February 23, 1941, when he opened the Centro Esportivo de capoeira Angola (CECA). Pastinha preferred the ludic aspects of the game rather than the martial side, and was much respected by recognized capoeira masters. Soon many other masters would adopt the name Angola, even those who would not follow Pastinha's style.

The ideal of Capoeira Angola is to maintain capoeira as close to its roots as possible. Characterized by being strategic, with sneaking movements executed standing or near the floor depending on the situation to face, it values the traditions of malícia, malandragem and unpredictability of the original capoeira."...

Typical music bateria formation in a roda of Capoeira Angola is three berimbaus, two pandeiros, one atabaque, one agogô and one ganzuá.

Example #5: Camafeu de Oxossi - Vou dizer a meu senhor que a manteiga derramou

Henrique Godoy, Published on Oct 16, 2015

Música do Album Berimbau

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