Friday, June 24, 2016

Facebooking YouTube Video Comment Threads: Kids Commenting On Starrkeisha Videos' Discussion Threads."

Edited by Azizi Powell

Revised November 5, 2019

This is Part IV of a four part series on "Starrkeisha" videos.

*Update: June 24, 2016 2:10 PM. - I've gone back & forth with this, but I've decided that Part IV will focus on the subject that I'm most interested in regarding the comment threads of Starrkeisha videos. I call that subject "Kids Commenting On YouTube: The Facebooking YouTube Comment Threads".

Click for Part I of this series. Part I showcases a November 2011 "Starrkeisha" video "Child Support Rap Battle - Starrkeisha VS Cameron J".

Click for Part II of this series. Part II showcases two videos of "The Starrkeisha Cheer Squad" (The "Petty" Cheer).

Click for Part III of this series. Part III of this series showcases the Starrkeisha video "Imma Independent" and includes my analysis of writing styles of selected comments that are found in discussion threads of eight Starrkeisha videos.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Cameron J, the developer of the "Starrkeisha" character and the producer of this video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.

"Starrkeisha" is a fictional Black female character who was conceptualized and is performed by Black male vocalist, songwriter, and comedic writer/actor Cameron J. Henderson. The Starrkeisha videos are aired on Cameron J's YouTube channel RandomStructureTV. The first Starrkeisha video entitled "I Need My Child Support Money!- StarrKeisha/Cameron J" was uploaded on YouTube on Jan 15, 2011.

Most of the videos that I've come across from 2011-2015 focus on the relationship drama between the ratchet (ghetto, trashy) character Starkeisha and the character "Cameron J", who she alleges is the baby daddy of her baby son "Treshaun" and (later in the series) "Harmony", the baby girl who she is pregnant with who she has already named. Cameron denies that he is the father of either of these children.

In 2016 Cameron J appears to have moved away from the Starrkeisha/ Cameron J "child support drama". Instead, he has published at least three Starrkeisha videos that feature multiple copies of Starrkeisha characters singing mashup of pop & Gospel songs and chanting cheerleader cheers. However, the discussion threads of those videos still include comments about the earlier Starrkeisha/Cameron J drama as well as the confrontations between Starrkeisha & her sisters (who, like Starrkeisha, are performed by female impersonators) and Cameron J's sister and her friend (who are performed by attractive young Black women.)

Click the link given above for Part I of this series to read more about Cameron J and the Starrkeisha videos.

I coined the term "facebooking YouTube video comment threads" in July 24, 2016. What I mean by that term is posting comments on YouTube threads which include personal information, and/or seek personal information from other commenters. With regard to the Starrkeisha videos, "facebooking YouTube video comment threads" also means to personalize the content of those discussion threads and interact with or attempt to interact with Starrkeisha as though she is a real person.

Fighting Starrkeisha is the main way that a number of children writing on that Starkeisha video's discussion thread and on many subsequent Starrkeisha videos' discussion threads want to interact with Starrkeisha. This is probably heavily influenced by the January 2011 "Starrkeisha Fights" video.

Note: This post doesn't include examples from all of these video discussion thread. However, I'm using the same numbering system that I used for Part III of this series.

Source #1 (S1) I Need My Child Support Money! - StarrKeisha/Cameron J., RandomStructureTV, Jan 15, 2011
"The newest edition to RSTV is not only ghetto, but quite trashy and uneducated. I wanted to create a character that can bring some ghetto fabulous flavor to my channel, StarrKeisha definitely does that! Lol!"
This first video in the Starrkeisha series introduces the characters "Starrkeisha" and (baby daddy) Cameron J.

Source #2 (S2) Starrkeisha Fights!, RandomStructureTV Uploaded on Mar 12, 2011
"Cameron J's sister Tori calls and confronts Starrkeisha about the lies she has been spreading. Starrkeisha recently called and accused Cameron J. of being her "baby's daddy." Tori knows this is a lie and is ready to fight to make Starrkeisha shut her mouth. Starrkeisha calls on her sisters ZoRonda' and Mercedes to fight Tori and her friend Tavia. - GHETTO STYLE!"
Starkeisha and sisters lose the fight badly. After Tori and Tavi leave, Starrkeisha and sisters brag about how they won the fight. Starkeisha and her sisters are performed by three different female impersonators while Tori and Tavi are performed by two young Black women.
Source #3 (S3): Child Support Rap Battle - Starrkeisha VS Cameron J, RandomStructureTV, Uploaded on Nov 9, 2011
Starrkeisha tries to get child support from Cameron J for the child she alleges is his. Cameron J denies that the child is his.

Source #4 (S4): Starrkeisha's Car Trouble - @TheKingOfWeird, RandomStructureTV, Published on Aug 14, 2012
"Drama" occurs when Starrkeisha and her sisters have car trouble.

Source #5 (S5): Pregnant Again - Starrkeisha & Cameron J (@TheKingOfWeird), RandomStructureTV
Published on Dec 3, 2012
"Starrkeisha is pregnant... AGAIN!"
Starrkeisha calls Cameron J and tells him he is her baby daddy- again.

Source #6 (S6): Starrkeisha - I'mma Independent (@TheKingOfWeird), RandomStructureTV, Published on Feb 6, 2013
Starkeisha sings and dances to a song about how she is independent (i.e. She doesn't need any financial support from anyone else. Of course, her actions regarding her "baby daddy" Cameron J contradicts these statements.
Source #7 (S7) The Starrkeisha Choir - Formation! @TheKingOfWeird #BeyHive, RandomStructureTV Published on Feb 16, 2016
Starrkeisha and multiple copies of Starrkeisha sing a mashup of a Pop and a Gospel song.

Source #8 (S8) PETTY SONG - The Starrkeisha Cheer Squad! - @TheKingOfWeird, Randome Guye Published on Apr 3, 2016
Starkeisha and multiple copies of Starrkeisha perform a cheer and dance to a mashup of current hit R&B and Pop songs.

Note: In this post "children" means ages 7-12 years old as that is the age range of children who mentioned their ages in the Starrkeisha discussion threads that I have read.

Comments are considered to have been written by children because
1. the screen photo accompanying the comment is a child's photo* and/or
2. the comment mentions that the person writing is a child and/or
3. the comment mentions the writer's age and/or
4. the comment mentions school

*All of the photographs of children that I have seen in these Starrkeisha videos are of children who appear to be Black. Most of these children are girls. Some screen photographs aren't those of the person writing the comment, as those commenters mentions that they are using their parent's YouTube account or someone else's YouTube account.

A number of commenters in this particular compilation have no screen photograph. In and of itself, that might mean that the person writing the comment is a child.

I've included some comments in this compilation even though they don't meet any of the criteria given above. I've done so because I think that the way those comments are written and their content suggest that the comments were written by children and not by teenagers or adults.

I didn't include examples of comments which consist of only the commenter's name, although it seems to me that it's likely that most if not all of those comments were posted by children.

This post doesn't include any examples of the numerous comments about whether whether Starrkeisha is a "boy" or a "girl" (as the commenters phrased it). Nor does this post include any comments questioning whether Cameron J is gay, or stating that Cameron J is gay. Also, no comments are included in this post questioning why Starrkeisha has a beard and a mustache. Nonetheless, I believe that all of those comments are from children. Some examples of those comments are found in the other pancocojams posts whose links are given above.

Some of these examples may be placed in more than one category.

I've given numbers to these comments for referencing purposes only. These comments may not be in consecutive order. Some comments in the reply sub-threads aren't included in this compilation.

WARNING: As is the case with a number of YouTube video discussion threads, the Starrkeisha video discussion threads that I have read contain profanity, the n word, and sexually explicit language. None of those examples are found below.

Comment Examples:
engaging in a personal conversation with Starrkeisha and/or Cameron J
1. Jamiya's Life, May 2016 (S5)
"she don't need your mony she can have my mony starrkeisha why are you acting like a girl with your blue wig and a blue coat"

2. HaleyHobbies, June 2016 (S5)
"Are you new? If you are then i can explain?"

3. Jamiya's Life, June 2016 (S5)
"my sister is only and second grade and she dosent really understand the meaning of commenting and making sense when she does sorry"

4. Briana Cook, June 2015 (S5)
"Oh Cameron you are. So cute cutter. Then the boy I like at school (This comment is followed by 18 smiley faces and 18 black cats emoticons.)

5. Maliyah Willis, 2015 (S6)
"Dear Starrkeisha are you a boy for act please text me back pleases pleases pleases hank you and like all of your videos and special the pregnet agin song me and my brother lisons to that song ever day now and we lison to it about three times a day now and thank you for all your alsome videos and just one more ? Did you really have a baby thanks very muc😎😎

6. Maliyah Willis, 2015 (S6)
"I meant much thank you🎅🎅🎅"

7. Maliyah Willis, 2015 (S6)
"And have a very nice Christmas 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅"

8. TheLucky FrenchFrie, 2015 (S6)
"yes he is a boy but acts like a girl for views his name is cameron j"

9. Random Guy, 2015 (S6)
"No he isn't pregnant dumbass. And he is a boy. And he won't text back. Lol"

10. "Maliyah Willis, 2015 (S6)
"Ok well sorry about that"

11. Random Guy, 2015 (S6)
"Yeah just saying"

sharing identifying contact information with other commenters and/or requesting identifying information from other commenters
12. Jada Ford, 2015 (S1)
"My kik username is hello_ki19"

13. Cortney Darby, 2015 (S2)
"Call me at [phone number deleted] thank you

14. Cam Cowan, 2015 (S6)
"Maleena its cameron
I changed my kik so kik me
Or txt me _______" [I deleted the phone number that is included in this comment]

15. Baby Nae, 2012 (S6)
"2 f keke be my friend on gmail @ ____" [I deleted the gmail address that is included in this comment]
"Keke" is one of Starrkeisha’s nicknames.

16. Armanie Wilson, 2012 (S6)
"Follow on iinstagram @ ____"[I deleted the Instagram address that was included in this comment]

trying to identify another commenter
17. Ashley Mcelrath, 2014
"Starrkeisha is a boy but his funny"

18. Ezaraih Love, 2015
"+Ashley Mcelrath are you treviona sister"

mentioning your name within that comment and/or signing your name at the end of your comment
19. David Mora, 2015 (S5)
"i love your song sharkiesha i allmostlisten to it everyday oh and im using my dads acount but my name is sofia"

20. Kenny, June 2016 (S4)
"I'm a little girl you just like me and my momma my name Kiki I'm a little I'm a girl bad but I can show you my favorite I be watching those show"

21. harmony kelly, 2013 (S5)
"my name is Harmony!!!! lol

22. harmony kelly, 2013 (S5)
"Starrkeisha is not my momma for a fact if people tinking it"
In this video Starrkeisha said that the baby she is pregnant with is a girl and she plans to name her "Harmony".

23. Shaey Ivy, 2013 (S5)
"My name is shatrice and im feeling some type of way
Synnecia Tucker

24. Cameron Saddler, 2015 (S6)
"Star don't believe those haters and if you want say haters gonna hate and my name is Cameron saddler and money is on your mind :-) :-) :-) :-)!!!"

25. zaria wiley, 2013 (S6)
"love you starkeisha its yo girl ZaeZae"

26. ZyQuirya Garrett, 2015 (S6)
"girl I just love you Zyquirya Garrett

sharing other personal information such as your age or your birthday
27. BTW - BackyardTrampolineWrestling, 2015 (S6)
Hey, shake the haters off. Just forget about them and be as silly and funny as you want. You are very good at making people happy so you should embrace that. And i would love you to do all that and keep making YouTube Vidios. 💖

28. BTW - BackyardTrampolineWrestling, 2015 (S6)
Oh, and by the way inm 8 years old and i was born in 2005 the , 19th of october.

29. ryan kinnel, 2012 (S5)
"Can the baby be born on Sep. 14 plz. That would be the best birthday present EVER. It would mean soo much"
"The baby" refers to the baby that the fictional character Starrkeisha is pregnant with.

30. Passion Lewis, 2015 (S2)
"This is a 9 year old and about to be 10 Jan 3 2015"

asking other commenters about their social media information, asking to be their friend, or asking for other communication with them
31. Latoya Moon, May 2016 (S2)
"hi boo"

32. Javrious West, May 2016
"I want to fax"

33. Bretny Poynter, May 2016
"ha be my friend"

34. MissTutorialQueen, 2013 (S5)
“Denarius are you on google plus”
This was written in response to a comment from Denarius about the video.

35. MissTutorialQueen, 2013 (S5)
“Hey denarius”

asking other commenters to communicate with them on other social media sites or do other activities with them
36. [name removed by request], April 2016 (S2)
"i need friends thatll make random videos like this with me (followed by one emoticon).

37. raquel simmons, 2015 (S5)
"ikr +Amelia Martin AND INBOX ME TOO +Amelia Martin"

requesting further communication with Cameron J or with Starrkeisha and/or requesting to meet with Cameron J or with Starrkeisha
38. Maliyah Willis, 2014 (S6)
"Dear Starrkeisha are you a boy for act please text me back pleases pleases pleases hank you and like all of your videos and special the pregnet agin song me and my brother lisons to that song ever day now and we lison to it about three times a day now and thank you for all your alsome videos and just one more ? Did you really have a baby thanks very muc(comment followed by two emoticons)"

39. kailah haynie, 2015 (S6)
"Starrkeisha can I be on one of Ur videos plzzzzzzz"

40. Daija Edwards, March 2016 (S5)
"so he said I need to get you a phone call please give me a call I love your videos"

engaging in conversation that has nothing to do with the content of this video or of other Starrkeisha videos
41. Taylor Fulsom, June 2016 (S2)
"Crystal Marie I'm on YouTube right now"

42. King Prince, March 2016 (S2)
"Athens ringtone was lowkey fye🔥🔥"

43. Azariah Hutson, June 2016 (S2)
"I sat in my room and My das acme in and david what the hello and the we spend the night anthony all the vidoes"

44. Sharrnita Bonds, 2012 (S5)
"What up Nita. Fancy meeting you here. You like this joint? It's hilarious"

threatening to fight Starrkeisha and/or getting into arguments with other commenters
45. Kanayah Porter, March 2016 (S2)
"If you'll do stop.I am going to beat you up meet me at 312 album and avenue.[This comment is followed by numerous emoticons including thumbs down images.)
This comment and others about fighting Starrkeisha refer to the 2011 "Starrkeisha fight video". Comments about fighting Starrkeisha are found throughout the discussion threads for other Starrkeisha videos up to an including the 2016 Starrkeisha Cheer video. These comments testify to how a lot of children think that the fictional characters in these videos are real.

46. Terrizena Hill, December 2015 (S2)
"yiu did not even win and my cousin will beat you up"

47. Nico Thomas, May 2016 (S2)
"oh so you can beat a girl up so come hit me then i live in Louisiana on Sydney road a blue trailer."

48. Betty Mcnair, 2015 (S2) [The year and video source is for all the comments in this sub-thread]
"If this is how you act in other videos when fighting I'm sorry honey boo boo just stop fighting I'm very sorry honey boo boo but like just before you get beat up camera cuz you know that you going to get beat up so like you need to just stop before you get beat up because you going to get beat up you know that you going to get beat we all know that .GOD BLESS YO FACE this is A 9 year old girl"

49. Jashon Holmes
"BTW u make no type of sense and its all fake and its just entertainment for people that know its a joke ur just taken it mad seriously"

50. Betty Mcnair
"I am just nine in a haft

51. Betty Mcnair
"Pleas shut up pleas and thank you and i dont care who you are check yourself"

52. Egypt Hearn
"+Betty Mcnair make me"

53. Egypt Hearn
"Check ur spelling thx☺☺☺"

54. Keshia Bloxton
"Her spelling was right"

55. Egypt Hearn
"I was talking about how she spelled PLEASE. So how about you my your business thx"

56. Keshia Bloxton
"Well my bad"

57. Keshia Bloxton

58. Egypt Hearn
"Its ok"

59. Keshia Bloxton

60. Tyreece Ramos, 2014 (S6)
"How you talking bout broke and ashy look at them knees abd who cant fight come fight me and show how i break it down"

threatening to fight someone else
61. latrice jackson, 2014 (S5)
"Nakasha Anderson I want to fight you meet me around mosbey court this is my address 5644 tomorrow at 3:00 am oh yeah yall she about to get dragged"

indicating that you have a personal relationship with Starrkeisha, or with Cameron J, and/or their families
62. Kalani Noble, 2015 (S6)
"well her neice go to my school and her name is Janiah and if yall seen the baby momma video Janiah said she made it up and he just sung it"

63. Trinidy Thornton, 2014 (S5)
"I know his brother he goes to my school"
"His brother" appears to refer to Cameron J's brother.

The internet is now so easily accessible via mobile phone. However, children appear to be getting very little guidance from adults regarding when and how to be social on social media. They should know that sharing contact information or asking to be friends with anyone online is dangerous and should never be done.

Here's a link to a previous pancocojams post that I wrote about children on the internet:

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