Thursday, May 12, 2016

Venezuelan Rapper Zeke - "Dias Tristes" (information, video, Spanish lyrics with English translation)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases Venezuelan Hip-Hop artist Zeke's rap "Dias Tristes" (Sad Days). Information about Latin American Hip Hop and biographical information about Zeke are presented in this post along with a YouTube video of this rap. This post includes the lyrics to that rap, along with their Google translate English words.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Reke for his musical legacy. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube. Special thanks to commenter zombryo mc for sharing a transcription of this rap's lyrics in the featured video's discussion thread.

From [English translation]
"The Latin Hip Hop is a musical genre and a cultural movement that covers various styles of music hip hop and various art forms like graffiti or breakdancing events in Latin America and Spain.
Rap has become the new Latin American protest song, especially among grown in the 80s, in a context of inflationary processes, structural adjustments and the result of the implementation of neoliberal policies recommended by international organizations....

The first rap song recorded in Spanish was held in Venezuela "La Cotorra Criolla" made in the 80s by Venezuelan humorist Perucho Conde . However, the popularization of this genre starts in 1997 with the emergence of a collective of hip hop called "La Corte" that would disintegrate due to creative differences. …
Since 2007 the Venezuelan rap has been growing where the predominant genre is rap consciousness. The place most widely rap is Maracay Venezuela"....

[Artist bio - translated by Google translate]
"If you want to find a way to say, Reke Hustla a.k.a Baby aka The Astronaut is one of the pillars of hip-hop Venezuela. Simply, he was there late last century, when they started to change things in the country music scene.

It all started with an original cassette Thriller, the famous Michael Jackson album. This gift aroused the passion for music in young Reke, then known under the name Gustavo Ferrin. It was learned from start to finish the songs and dances of Michael Jackson and eventually was decanting taste to the rappers of the time.
"When they began to transmit some hip hop as songs and videos Cypress Hill, The Beastie Boys, MC Hammer and Kris-Kross all the flipped clothes, among the little that came to Venezuela began to dig a little more about their culture and its roots and that was when I felt that that lifestyle was with me.

Artist Name: Reke
Active Since: 07/96
Genres: Hip Hop / Rap / R&B"


estoes reke Published on Dec 21, 2014

Artista: Reke
Tema: Dias Tristes
Album: La voz del pueblo
Here are three comments from this video's discussion thread:
20thCentury, 2015
"Reke Es Un Mostro En EL Rap (y)"
Google translate from Spanish to English: "Reke is a monster in the Rap (y)"
The custom of calling a person a "monster" or "a beast" as a compliment is from African American Vernacular English. That referent means that the people destroy their competition because they really excel in what they do.

Jose Perez, 2016
"Particularmente pienso que Reke es el rapero mas completo en todos los aspectos, flow, coherencia, letra, mensaje e intelecto... Real rapero siempre lo ha sido. Felicidades Reke, gracias por tu música."
2015 y sigue sonando jugando vivo
Google translate from Spanish to English:
"Particularly I think Reke rapper is the most complete in all respects, flow, consistency, letter, message and intellect ... Real rapper has always been. Congratulations Reke, thank you for your music.
2015 and still sounds playing live"

Mayixzon22, 2016
"Venezuelan number one rap and one of the best rappers in the world Spanish"


Como un diluvio y una lluvia que no cesa
Como despertar con un fuerte dolor de cabeza
Como un plato vacio en medio de una mesa
Así es como suelen ser mis días tristes

Como una espada que en el pecho te atraviesa
Como agua desbordada al reventarse la represa
Como un juego de mesa que no funciona sin una pieza
Así me siento desde el día que te fuiste

Tu, felicidad tan anhelada desde el alma
Que llega y luego se escurre como agua entre mis palmas
El tiempo me hizo un aprendiz
Y que no puedo ser feliz sin que la vida me deje una cicatriz

No quiero volver a ser el mismo infeliz
Que fui por lanzar mi vida a la borda solo por un desliz
Y arrancar de raíz todo pensamiento
Que sea exponer eso que guardamos dentro y llamamos sentimientos

A veces estoy deprimido y no sé porque
Y extraños sentimientos se mezclan con lágrimas
Y pienso si acaso un espirito invoqué
Que me tiene como un fugitivo huyendo de las ánimas

Lo más triste de estar triste
Es pensar que perdiste lo que perdiste porque no lo mantuviste
Y lo que viviste, mas lo que en un tiempo obtuviste
Vive en el pasado porque en tu presente ya no existe

Donde solo queda alimentarte de buenos recuerdos
Que te hacen reír a solas y no te hacen ver tan cuerdo
Y de pensar en lo que ya no tengo me hace sentir muerto
Porque es como estar expuesto entre cuervos en un desierto

Y es que me siento triste y no sé por qué coño
Solo vivo en un invierno sin inverno sin verano y sin otoño
Preso en la cárcel de la desilusión
Juzgado y condenado a manos de la decepción

A veces quiero pensar que esta es una más de mis canciones
Y que no son fragmentos rotos de una de mis situaciones
Para recordar el color de los momentos felices
Y así sea soñando, despertar sin ver los días grises

Gritar ¡gracias dios! por otro día hermoso que me diste
Y no despertar en este mundo tan vacio y triste
Donde la mentira y la falsedad es lo que lidera
Y solo somos presos siendo parte de la misma hilera

Y yo sigo y sigo buscando esa paz interna
Pero en este mundo falso y perverso no la consigo
Y a veces pienso que la vida es un castigo
Y que la paz que busco solo la veré en la vida eterna

Después de la muerte o que un movimiento cambie mi suerte
Con soles resplandecientes y con días sonrientes
Que no sea todo este asco llamado presente
Y no convivir con serpientes disfrazados de buena gente

Que te engatusan y a la larga contigo cambian
Que al principio te pintan castillos de Disneylandia
Que se acercan con un interés y te llaman hermano
Y como Judas con Jesús te venderán tarde o temprano

Son cosas que me hacen odiar y que me afligen
Porque por la vía de la justicia ya nadie se rige
A veces el amor duele
Y suelen pasar momentos que no hay nadie que tu corazón consuele

Y te das cuenta que dentro de el existen niveles
Y que no son como finales felices de la tele
A veces se pierde y a veces se gana
A veces quien más tú quieres en el mundo no te ama

La vida es un drama, una cama llena de escamas
Con almohada de espinas de punta fina y afilada
Donde descansan los sueños de los que despierto duermen
Y que se disuelven en esa esperanza que no vuelve

A veces quisiera estar a solas
Y volarme los sesos con una sola bala de mi pistola
Tantas cosas que me deprimen y que me abruman
Pero no puedo dejar que la tristeza me consuma

Solo me consuela en este momento
Que estoy vivo, motivo pa no perder el aliento
Y aunque se, que hay gente sufriendo más que yo
Le agradezco a dios por los golpes que la vida me dio

Levanta tu frente; oigo voces que me dicen
Y no dejes que te pisen todos los que te maldicen
Hay tantos problemas que acaban tu paz en un minuto
Y basta una noticia pa poner tu mundo diminuto

A veces el deprimido me deprime
Y ver tanta injusticia es sentir que el alma se me exprime
No conseguir tus logros es otra razón
Para vivir con un dolor incesable en el corazón

A veces somos egoístas y no vemos
Que queremos solamente todo lo que no tenemos
Y lo que si tenemos lo vemos con menos precio
Y no valoramos que lo poco también tiene un precio

Hay gente sin piernas, sin brazos y sin sus sentidos
E igual valoran que todavía están vivos
Pero hay hospitales llenos de de gente con otra suerte
Que hoy su vida se debate entre la vida y la muerte

Y gente que tiene tanto como pa cesar el llanto
De unos cuantos que la burguesía ha pasado por alto
Que les convienen mantener la cara en el asfalto
De los tantos que como tontos siguen manejando

Hoy me estoy quejando de todo eso que me afecta y me infecta
De forma directa o indirecta
No hay nada más doloroso que morir en la recta
Y cuando te demuestra que en la vida no hay cosa perfecta

Cuando siento que ya mi corazón no resiste
Algo me dice insiste que un guerrero nunca desiste
Que si hoy no pudiste insiste
Que gana es el que persiste

Y que simplemente este es otro de mis días tristes

Esto no es una canción más, esto simplemente son mis días tristes Reke, Afromak

posted in the discussion thread for this video by zombryo mc(2014). I've reformatted these lyrics for this post to enhance their readability.

In English (from Google translate, given 'as is')*

As a flood and rain that continues
As wake up with a headache
As an empty dish in the middle of a table
This is how often my sad days

Like a sword that goes through you chest
Like water overflowing the dam burst
As a board game that does not work without one piece
So I feel from the day you left

Your happiness longed from the soul
Reaching and then trickles like water through my palms
The weather made me an apprentice
And I can not be happy without that life has left me a scar

I never want to be the same unhappy
I went for throwing my life away just for a slip
And uproot every thought
It expose that we keep feelings inside and call

Sometimes I'm depressed and do not know why
And strange feelings are mixed with tears
And I think if anything a spirit invoked
I have as a fugitive fleeing souls

The saddest thing about being sad
It is to think that you lost what you missed because you kept not
And what did you live, but what a time did you get
He lives in the past because in your present no longer exists

Where there is only good memories feed
That alone make you laugh and make you look not so sane
And think about what I do not have makes me feel dead
Because it's like being exposed between crows in a desert

And I feel sad and do not know why the f&&k**
I live alone in a winter without winter without a summer without fall
Prisoner in the jail of disappointment
Tried and convicted at the hands of disappointment

Sometimes I like to think that this is one more of my songs
And they are not broken fragments of one of my situations
To remember the color of the happy moments
And so is dreaming, wake up without seeing the gray days

Yelling thank God! for another beautiful day that you gave me
And not wake up in this world so empty and sad
Where lies and falsehood is what leads
And we are only prisoners being part of the same row

And I keep looking and keep that inner peace
But in this false and evil world do not get it
And sometimes I think life is a punishment
And peace I seek only see her in eternal life

After death or a move change my luck
With blazing suns and smiling days
Other than all this disgust called this
And not live with snakes disguised as good people

They cajole you and eventually you change
At first you paint castles Disneyland
They are approaching with an interest and call you brother
And as Judas sold Jesus you will sooner or later

They are things that make me hate and afflicting me
Because the path of justice and no one is governed
Sometimes love hurts
And often spend moments no one to comfort your heart

And you realize that there are levels within the
And they are not like happy endings on TV
Sometimes you lose and sometimes you win
Sometimes who else you want in the world does not love you

Life is a drama, a bed full of flakes
Pillow of thorns and sharp fine point
Where they lie the dreams of those who sleep awake
And that dissolve in the hope that does not return

Sometimes I want to be alone
And blow my brains out with a single bullet from my gun
So many things that depress me and overwhelms me
But I can not let the sadness take me away

I only consolation at this time
I'm alive, why not lose your breath pa
And although, there are people suffering more than me
I thank God for the blows that life gave me

Raise your forehead; I hear voices telling me
And do not let you step on all who curse you
There are so many problems that just your peace in a minute
And news just put your tiny world pa

Sometimes the depressed depresses me
And to see such injustice is the soul feel squeezed me
Do not get your accomplishments is another reason
To live with a heart pain unceasing

Sometimes we are selfish and do not see
We want only what we do not have
And what if we see it with less price
And we do not value what little also has a price

There are people without legs, without arms and your senses
And just who they are still alive value
But there are hospitals filled with other lucky people
Today his life is torn between life and death

And as much as people who are constantly crying pa
A few that the bourgeoisie has overlooked
They agree to keep the face on asphalt
Of the many who like fools continue to run

Today I'm complaining about everything that affects me and infects
Directly or indirectly
There is nothing more painful than to die in the line
And when you show that in life there is no perfect thing

When I feel and my heart does not resist
Something tells me insists that a warrior never gives up
If you could not today insists
Winning is what persists

And this is just another of my sad days

This is not a song, this simply is my sad days Reke, Afromak
*These English lyrics have been reformatted for this post.

**This word was fully spelled out in this transcription.
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