Saturday, May 28, 2016

Five Videos Of Traditional Togolese, West Africa Agbadza Music & Dance

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases five videos of traditional Agbadza music & dance From Togo, West Africa. Information about Agbadza rhythm and selected comments from these video's discussion threads are also included in this post.

Agbadza music is also traditionally found in the West African nations of Benin, Ghana and the Ivory Coast.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks the publishers of these video on YouTube.

From ttp:// "The Famous Ewe Rhythm And Dance"
"It's probably Agbadza, if there's only one traditional rhythm you remember upon return from Ghana or Togo. To tourists without any knowledge of Ewe drumming, this fun piece is simply known as "the chicken dance". You'll know why when you see it!...

Today, Agbadza is a very popular recreational dance. It entertains people at funerals, weddings and any other get-together or party. Even the modern bands in the cities like to incorporate this fun rhythm into their music.

Some traditional Ewe dances are reserved to people of a certain age group or religion. But any child, woman or great-grandfather is welcome to dance Agbadza.

The name itself means something like "for everybody". If you ever get a chance to attend a traditional Ewe event, even you, a foreign visitor, will be expected to dance."...

From "Ewe Abgadza dance from Ghana's Volta Region"; comment from video publisher katameemee (Nov 21, 2010)
..."the Agbadza, is traditionally a war dance but is now used in social and recreational situations to celebrate peace. War dances are sometimes used as military training exercises, with signals from the lead drum ordering the warriors to move ahead, to the right, go down, etc. These dances also helped in preparing the warriors for battle and upon their return from fighting they would act out their deeds in battle through their movements in the dance."
Click for more information about and examples of Agbadja music.

These videos are presented in chronological order with the oldest dated example given first.
Example #1: TOGO 02 La danse traditionnelle des Ewés

TOGOISBACK, Uploaded on Sep 18, 2009
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
agbodzalou, 2009
Oh Agbadza togolais!!! Belle tradition du terroir.
Oh Agbadza!~ The beautiful dance of the land.

sweetfacebf, 2010
"i miss home. Ewes forever!" 

"You need to be there to really feel this music. The sounds that come from the big drums it's like thunder.It makes it feel like your heart heart is dropping off your chest. Amazing !!!!Unbelievable !!!"

Mapassion5, 2011
La belle danse du terroire. j'adore. en meme temps un veritable sport. assieve na mi loooo!
Partially translated from French to English:
The beautiful dance of the territory. I love it. At the same time, it is an actual sport.
Assieve na mi looo!

Samfly Djallo, 2013
"Ah! Vraiment L'Afrique c'est la joie, c'est la communaute, la Cadence, le respect de la culture.
Tres Tres Beau ca."
Google translate from French to English
Ah! Africa really is joy, it is the community, Cadence, respect for culture.

it [is] Very, very beautiful .

Example #2: Havinyona Habɔbɔ - Miwɔe ne nyo (Agbadza)

Mawuakpe, Uploaded on Jan 22, 2011
Danse et chant folklorique
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
TheCameroonianGirl15, 2012
"What language?"

sibisaba, 2013
"This language is called Ewe. It is spoken in Ghana, Togo and Benin."

Amavi Adenyo, 2012
"davi i love you soo much , keep on , you have nice voice ewe from togo beatifuil home alot......."

komi yovo, 2013
"C'est notre essence,ce qui fait de nous Africains. C'est la pure et simple tradition,nos valeurs,notre etre,elle vaut plus que l'or.Sa voix n'a subie aucune amplification classique.Je suis fier d'etre un digne fils de ce continent qu'appartenait ces creatures au voix de qualite indescriptible. Attention!!! ce n'est pas une chanson et danse religieuse.C'est la tradition,la richesse de l'Afrique.Que Dieu benisse l'Afrique notre mere.

This is our essence, what makes us Africans. This is pure and simple tradition, our values, our being, it is worth more than or.Sa voice has suffered no amplification classique.Je am proud to be a worthy son of this continent belonged these creatures the indescribable quality voice. Warning!!! this is not a song and dance religieuse.C'est tradition, the wealth of Afrique.Que God bless our mother Africa."

smyleskool EdRoberts, 2015
"This is the greatest musical combination sang by these two I have heard in our great dialect, ewe."

Example #3: Agbadza: Togo music and dance

gio12275, Published on Aug 12, 2012

Noel 2010 à Atite Kope, près d'Assahoun, Sud Togo.
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
attahaziawor, 2012
"Wonderful beat by the Ewes. Akpe loo"

Marc Arnauld, 2015
"i remenber my childhood i was involved in this"

Example #4: Agbadja Gadome, la meilleure!

La politique africaine en image, Published on Jun 5, 2015
La musique de la tradition togolaise de la region maritime, Togo. Agbadja est la danse preferee des togolais.
Translated from French to English:
The music of the Togolese tradition of Maritime Region, Togo. Agbadja is the favorite Togolese dance.

Example #5: Agbadja Gadome, la musique traditionnelle.

La politique africaine en image Published on Jun 5, 2015

Agbadja Gadome, est la musique le la tradition togolaise, reconnu sur le plant international comme la chanson spirituelle qui fait appelle aux ancestraux.
Google translate from French to English
Agbadja Gadome, music is the Togolese tradition, internationally recognized plant as spiritual song that makes calls to the ancestral.
Comment from this video's discussion thread:
Simon Kokou, 2015
"Eblouissant de rythme, véritables artistes du folklore traditionnel Ewé ! C'est magnifique et je m'en régale. Et toi mon frère, ma soeur, qu'en dis-tu ? Honnêtement, ce groupe maîtrise bien les points harmonieux de la meilleure danse ancestrale des Ewé ! Enchanté je suis ! Vous êtes simplement bons. Merci de nous gratifier de cette musique à couper le souffle...Envoyez-en toujours, vous n'en ferez que des heureux dans ce monde pas facile à vivre... avec une telle mélodie !"

Dazzling rhythm, true artists of traditional folklore Ewe! It's beautiful and I enjoy me. And you my brother, my sister, what do you say? Honestly, this control group well harmonious points of the best ancestral dance of the Ewe! I am delighted! You are simply good. Thank you to grace us this breathtaking music ... Send always, you will make everyone happy in this world ... not easy to live with such melody!

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