Friday, November 20, 2015

Guinean Vocalist/Guitarist Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté - "Sinontena" (videos & lyrics)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases two videos of the romantic song "Sinontena" by Guinean vocalist/guitarist Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté.

Information about Sekouba "Bambino" Diabaté is also included in this post along with translations of this song in French and in English. One of the featured videos provides the lyrics of this song in its original Malinké language.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

Thanks to for his musical legacy. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

"Sekouba "Bambino" is the stage name of Sekouba Diabaté, a singer and musician born in Guinea, West Africa, in 1964.[1]

Bambino was born and raised in the village of Kintinya, some 25 kilometers from the town of Siguiri, close to the border with Mali. He was born into a musical family, and is descended from a long line of griots, known in some Mande languages as jeli.[1] His mother died when he was three years old, but left behind a legacy in the songs she had recorded which her son later heard on the radio. Her music became one of his main influences. Her death left Bambino with his father, who did not encourage his musical aspirations, hoping he would follow him working in his transport company, but from age eight, Bambino Diabaté sang with local bands and began to achieve musical renown. When he was 16, then-President Sékou Touré, (a music lover) who had heard him sing with local bands, insisted that he join Bembeya Jazz, Guinea's best-known musical group....

He was given the nickname "Bambino" to distinguish him from one of the group's guitarists also named Sekou Diabaté (a.k.a. Sekou "Bembeya" a.k.a. "Diamond Fingers")....

His music is popular throughout West Africa, particularly in Guinea, Mali, and other countries where the Bambara and Malinke languages are spoken. He has become renowned for his vocal prowess, and his voice compares favorably with that of any of his home region's best male singers. He is little known outside Africa, however, as he has consistently chosen to remain true to his West African fan base. His most recent album was released in 2004. His latest single was in 2008.[1]

In November [20,] 2015 Bambino was caught up in an attack by suspected Ansar al-Din operatives on the Radisson Blu hotel in Mali's capital, Bamako, but was able to escape. The BBC quoted him telling journalists:[3]
'I woke up with the sounds of gunshots and for me, it was just small bandits who came in the hotel to claim something. After 20 or 30 minutes, I realized these are not just petty criminals'"...
I confess that I didn't know anything about Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté before reading his name in news accounts of that terrorist attack in Mali. My condolences to the friends and families of all those who died in that attack and in other terrorists attacks in Nigeria, Belgium, France, and elsewhere throughout the world.

From The Griot’s Craft
‎Wednesday, ‎February ‎27, ‎2013, ‏‎11:58:23 AM | Banning Eyre
"It has been awhile since we’ve heard new work from Sékouba Bambino (Diabaté), veteran singer of Guinea’s legendary Bembeya Jazz, and probably the pre-eminent Guinean vocalist of the past two decades. This session, featuring a rich blend of acoustic instruments and superb musicianship, is a welcome update, a superb griot pop album, well worth the wait. Song after song, it’s the crispness of the arrangements and execution, the acoustic soundscape, and the seductive character of Bambino’s singular voice that does the trick.

It’s hard to over praise Bambino as a singer. On the opener, “Koumakelalou,” he unveils his silk smooth low register and works his way up to the majesty of his full-throated high end. On many of these songs a female chorus supports and answers him, in traditional fashion. Elsewhere, he goes alone, with minimal backing—not much more than a kora and acoustic guitar—as on “Kadete.” Irresistable."...
Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté is also known as Sékouba Bambino.

The French lyrics for "Sinontena" were posted by MAEMEI SARR (2013) in the discussion thread for the YouTube video that is given below as Example #1. These lyrics were given in four separate comments in response to a request (in French) for the words to this song. Because of the confusing way that YouTube comments are posted, I'm not sure the order of these verses is correct.

The English lyrics that are posted below are the result of Google Translates' translation from French to English.

Additions and corrections are welcome.

(Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté)

Je n’ai pas envie de dormir ou je n’ai pas sommeil
Je n’ai plus envie de dormir
Regardes moi je n’ai pas sommeil
Je n’ai pas sommeil mon amour, regardes moi
Donne-moi ta main
Chérie je t’aime ndoni veut dire ma petite
Je n’ai pas sommeil mon amour, regardes moi
J’ai pas sommeil, quand nous sommes deux mon amour je ne peux pas dormir
Si nous restons à faire les discussions nocturnes je ne dormirai pas mama ohh
Je n’ai pas envie de dormir ou je n’ai pas sommeil

Je ne dors pas
Il a fait nuit sur le jour, ma bien aimée chérie je te veux ah
Quand le jour se lèvera je te donnerai ce dont tu as envie par amour
L’amour ou aimé est plus vieux que l’esclave
Oh Mama Oh chérie, chérie je te veux Mama
Oh chérie

Ne te fâche pas tu as raison ou pardon
Si nous restons à faire les discussions nocturnes je ne dormirai pas mama ohh
Je n’ai pas envie de dormir ou je n’ai pas sommeil
Je ne dormirai pas
Je n’ai pas sommeil
Mama si tu m’aimes ouvres moi la porte que je me couche la nuit est trop longue pour dormir seul(e) oh
Tout ce que tu voudras je le ferai
Je t’aime mon amour
Je t’aime mon bébé
Je t’aime et c’est toi que je veux (ne vois tu pas)

Je m’ennui de toi ou tu me manques
Je n’ai pas sommeil
Je ne dormirai
si nous restons fâchée moi je ne dormirai pas en étant fâchée avec toi (ne vois tu pas)
Mon amour diminue ta colère quand il fera nuit je te demanderai pardon
Iyo iyo Ne fais pas ça mon amour diminue ta colère
J’ai pas sommeil aujourd’hui (ne vois tu pas)

[Transcriber's comment]
voilà ma petite contribution, la traduction ne sera peut etre pas totalement juste et ceux qui peuvent corriger aussi faites le svp. Merci

LYRICS - SINONTENA [in English] - "I'm Not Feeling Sleepy"
(Sékouba "Bambino" Diabaté)

I did not want to sleep or I did not sleep
I have no desire to sleep
Look I'm not sleepy
I did not sleep my love, look at me
Give me your hand
Ndoni Girl I Love You mean my little
I did not sleep my love, look at me
I did not sleep, when we both my love I can not sleep
If we stick to the nightly discussions I will not sleep ohh mama
I did not want to sleep or I did not sleep

I do not sleep
It was dark on the day my beloved darling I want you ah
When the day will dawn I will give you what you want for love
Love or loved one is older than the slave
Oh Mama Oh darling, darling I want you Mama
Oh darling

Do not get mad you're right or forgiveness
If we stick to the nightly discussions I will not sleep ohh mama
I did not want to sleep or I did not sleep
I will not sleep
I'm not sleepy
If you love me mama works the door for me as I go to bed at night is too long to sleep alone (e) oh
Everything you like I'll do
I love you my dear
I love you my baby
I love you and it is you I want (do not you see)

I am bored of you or miss you
I'm not sleepy
I sleep
if we stay angry I will not sleep being angry with you (do not you see)
My love diminishes anger when it gets dark I ask your forgiveness
Iyo iyo Do not do that my love diminishes anger
I did not sleep today (do not you see)

[transcriber's comment]
this is my small contribution, the translation will be can not totally fair and correct those who can also do it please. Thank you

Example #1: Sékouba Bambino Diabaté - Sinotena (Lyric en Malinké)

Ousmane Bakary Kabam, Published on May 19, 2012

Je vous offre les paroles en Malinké de la merveilleuse chanson "Sinotena" (Je n'ai pas envie de dormir/ I'm not feeling sleepy) de l'artiste guinéen Sékouba Bambino Diabaté, tirée de son album "Innonvation". Cet album est arrangé par le meilleur arrangeur du zouk africain le cap verdien Manu Lima et avec la collaboration des grands musiciens zoukeurs du coté de l'hexagone. On peut vraiment dire que Bambino a innové.
Pour ceux qui veulent faire du karaoké, eh ben l'occasion... alors ne vous en privez pas.
Translation from French to English by Google Translate:
I offer you the words in Malinke the wonderful song "Sinotena" (I did not want to sleep / I'm not feeling sleepy) of the Guinean artist Sékouba Bambino Diabate, taken from his album "Innonvation". This album is arranged by the best arranger of the African zouk the Cape Verdean Manu Lima and with the collaboration of great musicians zoukeurs the side of the hexagon. We can truly say that Bambino innovated.
For those who want to do karaoke, well, the opportunity ... so do not deprive yourself

Example #2: Sékouba Bambino - Sinontena 2012 HD (Clip Officiel

Bambino2012officiel, Published on May 11, 2012

Sékouba Bambino vous présente "Sinotena", un titre de l'album "innovation" maintenant sur le Marché.
Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur :

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