Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Niger, West Africa Music, Song, And Rap Interpretation Of The American Slogan "Yes We Can"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases a video of a Nigerien (Niger, West Africa) music group’s performance of a composition that was inspired by United States President Barack Obama's popularization of the "Yes We Can" slogan.

An excerpt from an article about the "Yes We Can" slogan is also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in this video. Thanks also to all those quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

I would appreciate any information about this video, including which language the group is speaking, and a fuller summary of what they are singing and rapping.


Assoce FOFO, Published on Dec 14, 2009

11 artistes nigériens (Niger) véhiculent les discours de Barack Obama au caire et au Ghana pour sensibiliser la jeunesse nigérienne et plus largement africaine a un changement de mentalité pour une Afrique intégre et prospère.

11 Nigerien artists (Niger) convey Barack Obama's speech in Cairo and Ghana to sensitize the Nigerien and wider African youth has a change of mindset for an integrated and prosperous Africa.
*Google Translate gave the English translation of "nigériens" as Nigerian. However, "Nigerien" refers to people of Niger while "Nigerian" refers to people of Nigeria, another West African nation.
A clip of a speech by United States President Barack Obama is featured beginning at 9:26 of this video.

Three Simple Words: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Slogan “Yes We Can”- Molly McGuire, 2010

"Three simple words can inspire a generation, unite a community, and change a nation. Three simple words can conjure up images of a multitude of movements. Three simple words can transcend cultural differences. These three simple words provided inspiration for the United Farm Workers movement, helped elect the first African American President of the United States of America, and permeated international politics. These three simple words are: “YES WE CAN!”

The slogan “Yes We Can” became nationally recognized in the United State during Barack Obama‟s 2008 campaign for president. The slogan did not originate when Barack Obama said it in his infamous “Yes We Can” speech, nor did its power and influence end on Election Day (November 4th 2008)...
The use of the slogan “Yes We Can” in the Obama‟s 2008 presidential campaign had unintended political and international consequences...

“Si Se Puede”, Spanish for “Yes We Can”, was the first use of this slogan for a social movement.,,,
Sí se puede‟ is a term rooted in the struggle of working-class Latinos. It was the rallying cry of the United Farm Worker‟s Union in the 1970s. Co-founders Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez adopted the motto during a 25-day fast in Phoenix, Arizona where they were trying to organize farm workers to demand fair wages and better working conditions. This mantra was meant to galvanize workers and inspire them. Yes, we can start a movement against all odds. Yes, we can stand up against exploitation. Yes, we can fight for fair wages and medical and pension benefits...

Americans could not get enough of the slogan “Yes We Can”, and neither could the rest of the world. In fact, the Obama campaign created legitimacy for the phrase “Yes We Can” independent of its connection to “Si Se Puede”. In fact it seems as if there are a large amount of international organizations and political campaigns that are borrowing legitimacy from the Obama campaign by translating the slogan “Yes We Can” into their national language"...

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