Saturday, October 18, 2014

Joseph Soloman - A Shadow of A Doubt (spoken word video with a link to its words)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases a video of a spoken word performance of "A Shadow Of A Doubt" by Joseph Soloman. Selected comments about that poem about doubting God are also featured in this post. A link to the words to this poem is also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for inspirational, religious, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Joseph Soloman for his powerful writing and delivery of this spoken word.

What makes Joseph Soloman's spoken word poem "A Shadown Of A Doubt" so good is not just its words, but also how he delivered them.

Here's information about spoken word from
"Spoken word is performance-based poetry that is focused on the aesthetics of word play and story-telling. It often includes collaboration and experimentation with other art forms such as music, theater, and dance. There is no mandatory manner in which someone should perform, however, there are aspects of the artistry that indicate it is, indeed, spoken word. Spoken word usually tends to focus on the performance of the words themselves, the dynamics of tone, gestures, facial expressions, and more. Poetic components such as rhyme, repetition, slang, improvisation, and many more elements of poetry can be woven to create an atmosphere the audience can experience."
In my opinion, this poem by Joseph Soloman serves as an excellant example of this performance art.

SHOWCASE VIDEO [Joseph Soloman] A Shadow of A Doubt (spoken word) | @whatisjoedoing @chaseGodtv

chaseGodtvPublished on Aug 1, 2014

Filmed at Houston Baptist University in Houston, Texas at "The Canvas" on April 26th presented by chaseGodtv
The words of the first part of this poem are those of a man sharing how he struggles with doubts about Jesus. The second part of the poem is Jesus' response to the man.

Click for the words to this spoken word.

DoublEdgeSpirit, August 2014
"Doubt Your Doubts, Till death brings us Closer!! ^.^!! Crazy Awesome!! LOVING your God Inspired Poetry!!! Keep'em Coming!! Stay Powerful! Peace And Blessings Fam!!! <3" ** Makayla Lynn, 2014 "This really got to me because I STAY having moments of doubt on if God hears me ramble throughout the night. It sounds dramatic, but I swear I stare at the ceiling and just wish that I KNEW whatever it is thats keeping me from believing that every word is heard by Him. It's scary... but just hearing people speak about the same issues and knowing that others doubt and move forward, despite their hesitations, helps me believe that my rambles don't actually go unheard like I think they do. You really help people Joe, and we all appreciate it. <3" **** SPOKEN WORD ARTIST'S STATEMENT AND ADDITIONAL SELECTED COMMENTS FROM THIS SPOKEN WORD'S FACEBOOK PAGE

Joseph Soloman's statement:
"A poem on doubt I performed at The Canvas in Houston, Texas. Please share for those who are struggling or have struggled with doubting God. Hope it blesses you."

Selected comments:
Becky Williams, September 6, 2014
"I so relate! The way you expressed it really moved me."

Jewel Elfers,September 6, 2014
"Holy Ghost fire bro!!!"

Amber Brown, September 7, 2014
"Wow I felt that in my spirit!!!! So amazing thank you!"

Nikki Jackovich, September 7, 2014
"Beautiful. If this doesn't tear you up, you would have to check your heart. This is just real, true feelings. Bless him Lord."

Tommy-Mary Louise Walston Dugas, September 8, 2014
"Bless you young Man!.....So Powerful!...Thank you for speaking out & speaking Up!"

Samantha Koivisto, September 10, 2014 ·
[quoting the poem] "Honestly, I've considered quitting, but where will I go? Back? There's no home for the living in the land of the dead....'Doubt your doubts and you will find that they are just as empty as the tomb I walked from.'"

This is so true!

DeAnne Sawyer, September 12, 2014
"Mighty. Wonderful testimony."

Eulah Bent, September 18, 2014
"Very riveting and thought-provoking. A tearjerker. Thanks for sharing, Anika"

Fini Iuni Penileta, September 19, 2014
[quoting the poem] "Doubt you Doubt , and you will see that they are just empty as the tomb that i walk from".

Amen touchful Poem . Love you Jesus

Ligi To'ua-Fatu., September 23, 2014
"Thank you for sharing. Beautifully said and so powerful"

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