Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I've Started A New Blog - Cocojams2

Edited by Azizi Powell

For some reason, my cultural webssite cocojams.com is inaccessible. That website was launched in 2001 and has (had?) a TON of material on English language playground rhymes, singing game, and cheers. In addition, Cocojams.com also featured (?) examples of civil rights songs, 19th century African American dance songs, fraternity and sorority cheers, stomp and shake cheerleading cheers, and a whole lot more.

I admit to panicking yesterday morning when I tried to visit cocojams.com and got the message that "Sorry, We could not find cocojams.com. It may be unavailable or may not exist."

And then I really panicked when I couldn't reach cocojams.com's the internet hosting company (which isn't affiliated with Google blogspot). But I calmed down somewhat when I remembered that I have some [but not all] back-up files of those pages and I remembered that I had published a considerable amount of Cocojams material on this pancocojams blog and in discussion threads on Mudcat folk music forum.

And so, while I wait to see if cocojams.com will reappear and wait to see if I will hear from that hosting company [!!??!!], I decided to launch a Google blog that is an off-shoot of cocojams which I've named "cocojam2".

Cocojams2 will be more streamlined than cocojams.com, as it will only feature examples of playground rhymes, and probably won't include as many categories of those rhymes. Other cocojams content will be republished on my pancocojams blog (http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/ and possibly on future cocojams numbered Google blogs.

Cocojams2 also won't feature as many versions of rhymes, and won't include any videos, text analysis, or editorial commentary. Instead, I'll continue publishing videos (when possible), text analysis, and editorial comments along with any examples of that material that I feature on pancocojams.

Here's a link to cocojams2:

and here's a link to that blog's first post which expands on what I've written in this post:

I hope that you'll visit cocojams2, and share that link with others who may be interested in the cultural material that was (or is) featured on cocojams.com.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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