Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eight Videos Of Aweil, South Sudanese Traditional Dances

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases eight videos of South Sudanese (northeastern Africa) traditional dancing in Aweil, South Sudan or videos of people from Aweil, South Sudan who now live elsewhere.

Information about Aweil, South Sudan is also included in this post.

The content of this post are presented for folkloric, cultural, educational, and aesthetic purposes.

In addition to the dancing, I'm also interested in the music, the musical instruments, the singing & ululation, the dancers' attire including head gear & jewelry (if any), the objects that the dancers' carry, and the dancers' hairstyles.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those featured in these videos. Thanks also to those who are quoted in this post, and thanks to the video producers and publishers of these videos on YouTube.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aweil,_South_Sudan
"Aweil is a city in South Sudan in Bahr el ghazal Region. Aweil is located in Aweil Central County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, in northwestern South Sudan, near the International border with the Republic of Sudan and the Abyei Region...

Aweil is the capital city of the state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal. It is also the county seat of Aweil Central County. The city's infrastructure is relatively developed… and includes a functioning railway station, a functioning hotel, a functioning airport, a soccer stadium and a functioning public hospital. The city functions as a team site for the United Nations Mission in Sudan. Several NGOs providing aid in South Sudan are based here.”...
From http://everyvillage.org/villages-aweil
"Aweil is the capital city of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, located at the intersection of Nile tributaries--the Lol and the Pongo. “Aweil” is derived from the Dinka name Mading Ayuel.

The Dinka tribe makes up the population’s majority, but members of the Luo tribe live in the area as well. The Dinka rely on cattle herding at riverside camps in the dry season and growing grains in the rainy season...

Language: Dinka Rek"

From http://www.sudansunrise.org/project/st-mary-girls-school
St. Mary Girls School; Aweil, South Sudan
“Sudan Sunrise partners with Abraham Nhial to build the St. Mary Girls Secondary School in Aweil, Northern Bhar el Ghazal state.

Aweil State: Home to Diverse Groups

Abraham Nhial immigrated to the U.S. as a "Lost Boy of Sudan" and is working to found the first secondary school for girls in Aweil, a city with a population of one million. Geographically and politically, Northern Bhar el Ghazal State-(Aweil) is the largest state in South Sudan and is inhabited by diverse ethnic communities including returning refugees, Darfurians, and Messirya from the North. Strategically, this project targets girls from these different communities in order to provide them with access to higher education so they will be able to avoid poverty, resolve conflict, and, ultimately, promote peaceful living among their communities....

War Reduced Education Opportunities
During the civili war in Sudan, Aweil State was a war zone because of its close proximity to the border. Until the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in 2005, many young children, mostly young girls, were forced into slavery as wives or houseworkers. The boys of Aweil typically fled to neighboring countries as refugees, or to the U.S. as "Lost Boys."

Culture Does Not Always Support Girls’ Education

The St. Mary Girls Secondary School in Aweil is needed as there are no other secondary schools for girls in the region"...

These videos are presented in chronological order with the oldest dated video given first.
If you have any information about these dances, please share that information in the video's YouTube comment section and/or in the comment section of this post. Thanks!

Example 1: Children entertainment in Aweil (PartI)

GarangKuot Uploaded on Oct 25, 2007

Aweil children entertaining SPLM Secretary for Northern Bahr-El-Ghazal State, Molana Ajou Garang.
Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rjNFLxYCLA for Part II of this video series.

Example #2: Children entertainment in Aweil (PartIII)

GarangKuot Uploaded on Oct 25, 2007

Aweil children entertaining SPLM Secretary for Northern Bahr-El-Ghazal State, Molana Ajou Garang.

Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fDQVYgw1uA for Part IV of this video series.

Example #3: South Sudan Dinka dancing from Northern Bar al Gazal (Aweil)

William Akuei Uploaded on Feb 21, 2011

Jieng youths ignited to teach a culture to young kids in Cairo seven years ago

Example #4: Independence Day - South Sudan - Aweil West

Naomi Sorkin, Uploaded on Aug 30, 2011

Traditional Birth Attendants and community health workers celebrating Independence in Nyamlel, South Sudan. July 9, 2011

Example #5: Mading Aweil Federation in Aus.

Deng Duang, Published on Jul 27, 2012

These are the best Aweil traditional groups united in the dance-floor. 2012

Example #6: Aweil Team in Aweil Town.

William Akuei, Published on Nov 26, 2012

Example #7: Mading-Aweil Cultural Dance.

Anei Yuot, Published on Jul 14, 2013

The 9th of July 2013. second aniversary of South Sudan. ("the ROSS")
Dallas, Texas....

Example #8: Dinka tradditional dance- Malualkon, Aweil east Oct, 2013

James Majuong, Published on Mar 11, 2014

A featival celebration by Dinka Malual of Aweil east Oct, 2013
Video take by: James Majuong.

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