Saturday, April 12, 2014

Stand Routines From Historically Black Colleges & Universities Dance Line Audition

Edited by Azizi Powell

Revised: 10/28/2016

This post showcases videos clips from the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) dance audition preparation training clinic in Albany GA on March 16, 2013 and led by the Albany State University (Albany, Georgia) Golden Passionettes dance line's choreographer, Dee Perkins. The videos featured on this page aren't the only videos of that event that are found on YouTube.

This post also showcases two additional videos of dance stands performed by Dee Perkins and other dancers.

The content of this post is posted for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

This is a companion post to "Stand Battles & The Changing Meaning Of Majorettes In African American Culture".

Thanks to HBCU Dance Corporation, Inc and as the publisher of these videos. Thanks also to Dee Perkins and all those who are featured in these videos. And thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

According to Dianna Williams (Miss D.), the founder/choreographer of Jackson, Missippi's Dancing Dolls who are featured on the televion series "Bring It!" "A stand battle is when two teams take the dance floor at the same time. They take turns throwing eight counts back and forth until the judges declare a winner. “An eight count” is known as a stand."
A Lifetime television page about the terms used in "Bring It!" can be found at “Bring It! [television show]. That page includes a definition of "stand battles" which ends with the sentence "The Captain must decide when to use what sequence based on the opposing team's sequence."
REVISION - 10/28/2016
Here's information about "stands" from the discussion thread of one of the videos that is featured below [My apology for just reading these comments]:
HBCUDance, 2014
Hi Azizi! The choreographer in this vid is Mr Dee Perkins! He's one of our fave choreographers for HBCU Dance Corp.

A stand routine is a series of choreographed 8 counts that are typically performed in the stands (the seating area) of the football stadium/arena/gym. The team's captain or co-captain is typically stands in front of the team and executes the rout tne first. (This is called, leading the stands. ) Then, the rest of the team joins in." 

HBCUDance, 2014
"The team's captain or co-captain typically stands in front of the team and executes the routine first. Then, the rest of the team joins in. The team follows whatever the captain does/throws. Stand routines are a great way to get the crowd hyped or excited."

Example #1: Stand Routine Slow Counts - Learn it

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 18, 2013
Information about this HBCU Dance Audition Preparation Training Clinic is found in the summary of the video given below as Example #5 & the summary of the videos given as Example #3 & Example #7.

The music is the song "Da Wop" by Lil Chuckee. This is the clean version of this record. However, as a warning, there's also an explicit version of this song.

Example #2: Stand Routine2 Slow Count - Learn it too

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 18, 2013

Example #3: Stand Routine2 Practice

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 18, 2013
Here's a comment from this video's discussion thread:
HBCUDance, 2013
"This was an HBCU Dance Audition Prep event where the young ladies learned how to prepare for tryouts. They actually went through a mock audition so that they'll know what to expect on a collegiate level. Most of them are auditioning for the ASU Golden Passionettes and tryouts are tomorrow, March 23, so keep them in your prayers!! :-)

Example #4: Stand Routine Practice and impromptu

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 18, 2013

Example #5: HBCU Dance Audition Prep March 16, 2013 - stand routine 1 - lead by #8

Albany State University, Published on Mar 18, 2013 - This is a video clip from the HBCU Dance Audition Preparation Training Clinic in Albany GA on 3/16/13 led by the ASU Golden Passionettes' choreographer, Dee Perkins. Our training events are fast paced, intense and exciting dance workshops where we help dancers understand what to expect at an HBCU dance line audition. These young ladies had approximately 1.5 hrs to learn prancing & marching styles as well as 2 stand routines and their audition choreography. Find more danceline info, training events, vids, scholarships & audition dates on
Here's a comment from that video:
HBCUDance, 2013
"Thanks for participating in the HBCU Dance Audition Prep event, #8! You WERKED it!! Best of luck to you at ASU Golden Passionette auditions tomorrow!!! Everybody, #8 and #6 received our Highest Scorecard Awards for their mock auditions at the event... They were both werking!!
That linked HBCU page lists the dates for dance line auditions for 14 historically Black colleges & university (HBCU) dance lines."

Example #6: Stand routines - Choreographer Dee Perkins

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 19, 2013

Example #7: HBCU Dance Audition Prep_Performance choreography - Dee Perkins

HBCUDance, Published on Mar 20, 2013 - HBCU Dance Audition Prep Training Event- a fast paced, exciting and fun workshop where dancers learn what to expect and how to prepare for a dance team audition. This is a video clip of Dee Perkins, choreographer from the ASU Golden Passionettes, showing the participants their mock audition choreography at the HBCU Dance Audition Preparation Training Clinic held in Albany GA on March 16, 2013. Watch more vid clips if you're interested in learning this choreography. WE DO NOT OWN THIS MUSIC!

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post and found it to be informative and to the topic. Thank you for not rambling on and on just to fill the page. Thanks..

  2. Are there any youth majorette teams in Albany ga area if not we need one let's do it.

    1. Hello, Proud Mother.

      I'd be interested in knowing which states have hip-hop majorette teams. I'm not sure if there's a team in Georgia.

      Good luck on your idea of starting a team in Albany, Georgia.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment, Erik of Dentiste Cadieux et Langevin.

      I'm glad you liked these videos.

  4. Can you tell me how many 8 counts are in a stand?

    1. According to Miss D, the coach of the Jackson, Mississippi Dancing Dolls who are featured in their television series: "An eight count” is known as a stand."

      Your question may be how many stands does a squad do in a stand battle before they stop and the other squad starts their stands. I don't know the answer to that question.

      Here are two quotes about the word "stand" that I added to this pancocojams post on j-setting:

      From “Bring It! [television show]
      "Stand Battle: The stand battle works like a single elimination bracket tournament. The teams draw numbers and are randomly paired together. Each pair take turns trying to out dance each other. The teams go back and forth until the judges determine that one team wins. This is the most intense of all the categories because while the dance sequences are choreographed, when they are used is decided on the fly. The Captain must decide when to use what sequence based on the opposing team's sequence."
      From [quote beginning at 1:24 of that video]
      " “What is a stand battle?”
      “A stand battle is when two teams take the dance floor at the same time. They take turns throwing eight counts back and forth until the judges declare a winner. “An eight count” is known as a stand.

      Exchanging an eight count is like two boxers in the ring throwing punches back and forth with each team trying to land a killer combination. In war it’s back and forth shootin at each other. It’s the same thing. The only difference is that we don’t do that-we throw stands."
      -Miss D (Diane Williams), Founder & Instructor/Coach - The Dancing Dolls (Jackson, Mississippi)

    2. Here's one response to this question that I just found in a YouTube video's comment section:
      Here's a question and response from this stand battle video: CYDC Stand Battle Round 1 - Dance Force Elite vs Final Alert

      KandyRoxxy, April 2016
      "how many stands do they perform in a stand battle?

      Deborah Desilva, June 2016
      "Three of each"
      However watching some videos of dance battles it seems that that answer may not be correct for every stand battle.

      For example, notice that more than three stands (eight count routines) are performed in the stand battle shown in this video: Judgement Day: Last Team Standing (Stand Battle #2)

      I wonder if each squad have the same amount of time to perform and then does the number of stands they want in that specific time?
