Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bullerenge Music & Four Songs By Petrona Martinez

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post provides information about the Bullerenge music genre and showcases four songs performed by Afro-Colombian vocalist Petrona Martinez.

General information about Afro-Colombians is also included in this post as is biographical information about Petrona Martinez.

The content of this post is presented for historical, folkloric, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

"African Colombian or Afro-Colombians refers to Colombians of African ancestry, and the great impact they have had on Colombian culture. Notable Afro-Colombians include Colombian scientists like Raul Cuero, writers like Manuel Zapata Olivella and politicians: Piedad Córdoba, Paula Marcela Moreno Zapata, and Luis Gilberto Murillo, Miss Colombia 2001 winner and fashion model Vanessa Alexandra Mendoza Bustos, first Olympic gold medal winner for the country Maria Isabel Urrutia, and Major League Baseball player Edgar Rentería...

Afro-Colombians make up 10,52% of the population, almost 5 million people, according to a projection of the National Administration Department of Statistics (DANE),[1] most of whom are concentrated on the northwest Caribbean coast and the Pacific coast in such departments as Chocó, whose capital, Quibdó, is 95.3% Afro-Colombian as opposed to just 2.3% mestizo or white.[4] Considerable numbers are also in Cali, Cartagena, and Barranquilla. Colombia is considered to have the fourth largest Black/African-descent population in the western hemisphere, following Haiti, Brazil and the USA...

African Colombians have played a role in contributing to the development of certain aspects of Colombian culture. For example, several of Colombia's musical genres, such as Cumbia and Vallenato, have African origins or influences.”

"Bullerengue is a music genre and dance style with origins in the Colombian Caribbean Coast, with strong relationship and importance to the development and history of the Cumbia genre in the country. Much like Cumbia in its origins, Bullerengue has roots in expressions of African Music music brought by slaves of said continent during the Spanish colonization of South and Central America, and it's known for being sung almost exclusively by females. Some of its main characteristics include a strong emphasis in rhythm and improvisation over melody (with a relative, though not entire, lack of woodwind and string instruments), employment of relatively large groups of musicians (usually not less than 12) and a call-and-response interaction between the lead singer (known as cantadora) and a choir. Bullerengue is associated with the music of artists like Petrona Martínez and Totó la Momposina."

"Bullerengue is a musical style and dance from the Caribbean Region of Colombia and the Darién Province in Panama. It is a cumbia-based style traditionally sung exclusively by women. Some famous bullerengue singers are Irene Martinez, Antún Castro, Estefanía Caycedo, Alé Kumá, Benigna Solís, Martina camargo and Etelvina Maldonado. In recent decades, Petrona Martínez and Totó la Momposina have increased Bullerengue's international popularity and success, having been nominees for the Latin Grammy Award for Best Folk Album."

INFORMATION ABOUT PETRONA MARTINEZ[translated to English from Google Translate]
"Petrona Martinez ( San Cayetano , ( San Juan Nepomuceno ) Bolivar , January 27, 1939 ) is an Afro-Colombian singer and native folk music of the Caribbean Coast of Colombia .

Belonging to a tradition of singers who begins her grandmother Carmen Silva and continued by her grandmother and aunt Orfelina Tomasita Martinez Martinez. Her teachers from childhood in their training as folksinger and songwriter of air still in the Afro- Caribbean Region . Her group is formed by the cheerful drum, the drum , bagpipe , maracas, the gourds , the caller , palms and choirs.

Petrona Martinez has had a successful recording career and has toured Spain , Denmark, England , France , United States, Morocco and other countries. She has performed concerts to support the rights of working women in national concerts and international festivals .

Their points of greater international recognition have been her two Grammy Award nominations for Best Latin music album . The first in 2002 for her album " Beautiful Singing " and the most recent for her album " The penalties happy ." In the latter , there are collaborations with Martina Camargo cantadora and members of the County: Egidio Cuadrado and Mayte Montero . Montero , co - produced this album with composer and producer Manuel Andres Garcia for Chaco independent label World Music. Several artists from different genera in the Colombian scene Petrona have recognized among her influences . Some of them are Aterciopelados, Juanes, the Czech Acosta, Cabas and Bomba Estereo, among others."
I changed the "his" and "he" in this translation to "her" and "she".

Example #1: Las penas alegres - Petrona Martínez

Mayte Montero, Uploaded on Sep 15, 2011

Canción de la autoría de Petrona Martínez..
Google translate of the video title: "penalties cheerful"
This is something like “pleasant consequences” in contemporary American English.

Google translate of the publisher's comment: "Song written by Petrona Martinez"

Example #2: La vida vale la pena, Petrona Martínez. África en América

Paurake Mantarraya•Uploaded on Mar 15, 2011
Google translate of the title:Google translate: "Life is worth* Petrona Martinez, Africa in [the] Americas
*Contemporary American English: Is this title "Life is worthy"? "A Good Life"? or "A Worthwhile life?

Example #3: Petrona Martínez y Totó La Momposina

jgss1978, Uploaded on Aug 7, 2011

Homenaje a Totó La Momposina - Bogotá 6 de agosto de 2011 Teatro Mayor J.M.SD.

Google translate "Tribute to [the musical group] Toto La Momposina"

Example #4: Petrona Martínez - El Congo no va a mi rosa

Jaili Ivinai Buelvas Diaz, Uploaded on Nov 3, 2011

Bullerengue Chalupiao incluido en el álbum "Las penas alegres" de la cantadora Petrona Martínez
Google translate: "The Congo is not going to my rose"
I'm not sure what is the correct translation of this title in contemporary American English.

Google translate of the publisher's comment: "Bullerengue Chalupiao included in the album "The penalties happy" from Petrona Martinez cantadora"[vocalist Petrona Martinez"e
I don't know if "chalupiao" is the same as the Spanish "chapula" That term might then translate to something like "spicy Bullerengue". The translation "Petrona Martinez cantadora" translated in American English is "the lead vocalist [or the lead singer] Petrona Martinez".

Thanks to Petrona Martínez for her musical legacy. Thanks also to those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these examples on YouTube.

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