Latest Revision -March 11, 2024
This is Part I of a three part pancocojams series on the use of wooden canes (kanes)* in the performing arts traditions of historically Black Greek lettered fraternities & sororities.
*"Kanes" is the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. spelling for the word "canes".
Part I & Part II of this series presents selected comments from a discussion thread about the origin, history, and contemporary performances with canes in historically Black Greek lettered fraternities and sororities.
Part III showcases selected videos of two historically Black Greek lettered fraternities and one historically Black Greek lettered sorority. In alphabetical order, those organizations are Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.(Kappas), Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Sigmas), and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. (SRGrho).
That post doesn't include examples of some other historically Black Greek letter sororities who may occasionally step with canes. Note that all tapping and/or twirling canes or staffs isn't a part of stepping in every BGLO.
Click for Part II of this series.
Click for Part III of this series.
The content of this post is presented for historical, folkloric, and cultural purposes.
Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
Part I
The majority of these comments are from a Greekchat forum which included members of various historically Black fraternities & sororities.
These comments are posted in chronological order with the earliest comments posted first. For the sake of this series, these comments have been assigned a consecutive number, starting with Post I and continuing in Post II.
These numbers aren't the same as the numbers given in that discussion thread-
From "the deal with the canes..."
Comment #1, arRHOgance4, 3-04-2002 question to you gentlemen.
How do you feel about other orgs using canes?
Do you feel offended by it or what?
I pose this guy is a nupe. When i was practicing with my sorors at a neighboring school for a stepshow, they said we had one part where we use canes.
So anyways, he was up in arms about the fact we were using
them and was talkin mad sh*t. So what makes it that no other org should use
them? I was taught that the men of KAPsi taught the ladies of SGRho to step
with canes back in the day in Indiana. I do not mean we should be bopping,
twirling, and the whole nine yards, but we use them for beat. We could have
just as well used sticks...but canes are usually easier to find. Anyways, some
responses would be apprieciated...
Comment #2: SweetestDiva, 3-04-2002
Location: What you know about them Texas girls?? :)
"I've been to three stepshows in the past month and I think
I've seen just about every org. using canes. Besides Kappas, I'd seen SGRhos
and Sigmas use them, but never anybody else. At a show I was at last weekend,
sorors came onstage in pink jumpsuits and started twirling green canes.. my
mouth was wide open. It was just something I'd never seen before."
Comment #3:DoggyStyle82, 3-06-2002
"You aint neva eva seen a Que twirling no cane, nor will you ever. Cane twirling belongs to Kappas. No one else should ever pick up a cane in a stepshow, especially Sigmas. Do your own stuff. As many old school Kappas as I know, none of them have ever stated that Kappas taught SGRhos to step with canes. Having worked with a Kappa Provincial officer (Spr '83), the whole Indiana Love thing is a recent (post 90's) phenomenon and Kappas would not have been teacher their art to any sorority."
Comment #4-SweetestDiva, 3-07-2002
Location: What you know about them Texas girls?? :)
"No, I never saw Omegas with canes. I'd never seen my sorors with canes either though, nor did I expect to. But sure enough, there they were. I'd heard the same thing as DivineZeta, so I never thought much of Sigmas using them. I really don't have an opinion one way or the other, probably because the cane has no significance to me. Which is the argument some would make as to why a person with that perspective shouldn't be stepping with one, I'm sure. That's understandable... I never gave the issue much thought until now and I'm interested to see how Kappas feel about the subject.
Four of my friends share an apartment. Two are Kappas and they share a room. I think there's a total of about 4 to 5 canes up on the wall and they fall every oh.... 10 minutes or so. But the number one house rule is that you don't touch the canes. Doesn't matter if they fall off the wall, fall on the floor, fall on YOU, whatever. One of my LS's made the mistake of reaching to pick one up off the floor... everbody that visits regularly was like.... "NOOOOOO!!!!"
I've learned in the greek world that what's ordinary to you can be very significant to another org... so it's just important to be respectful. Sorry for getting so off topic."
Comment #5: sphinxpoet, 03-08-2002
"And the Kappas have yet to say anything.......I find that
interesting but my Kappa sands always says "If people wanted to step with
Canes you should have pledged Kappa"
Comment #6: sphinxpoet, 03-08-2002
"And the Kappas have yet to say anything.......I find that interesting but my Kappa sands always says "If people wanted to step with Canes you should have pledged Kappa" "
Comment #7: CrimsonTide4, 03-08-2002
"Probably because GC is DEVOID, WITHOUT, MINUS any active,
regular KAPPAS."
Comment #8, rhapsody1922, 03-08-2002
Location - Missouri---it's a midwest thang!

Anyway, I have seen PBS, Kappas, Zetas, Detas, AKAs, and SGRho's all step w/ canes here in the midwest. I understand the feeling of the Kappas. However, it's not like anyone has taken their style. Whether they have a right to be upset, that is something that can not be addressed because no one can control their feelings and people vary.

I will say numerous SGRho chapters step with canes, and all I can say is sorors keep on stepping!

Rhapsody in Blue
#3-Fall 1997
Blue and Gold Rules Everything Around Me!

Location: Atlanta
"I have to say that when I was an undergrad, the Kappas on my campus worked with us when it came to using canes. So to say that Kappas would not teach SGRho or any other group how to work a way too general of a statement to make. We appreciated their help and I know they did not mind showing us a few cane steps. They knew we were not trying to claim it as our own, but it was taught to us that SGRho's were the first sorority to really start using canes, in honor of Kappa. My chapter was founded in "87", and my sorors were using canes then, so it is not just an "Indiana Love Thang", And I as well have seen alot of groups use canes or the smaller sticks (sorry...I do not know the proper name). But I have also heard that Sigmas were the first to step with canes as well. So...I guess you could go back and forth on that issue forever. (I do have to give props to those who can step with the canes, because it is not easy! But I can also understand if the Kappas feel as if no-one should use the canes, because it does seems as if we all have borrowed moves, steps, ideas from other orgs., to the point where you have no idea who really started what."
Comment #10: Anakin1911, 03-12-2002
Location: Kansas City, MO
"This is all very amusing. First of all, the "Kane" has a different level of signifiance for Nupes. It is not just something that used as a prop in stepshows. And yes, as a Nupe I have seen other organizations use canes at shows and yes, I have heard that other organizations used canes before it became synonymous with members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. However, the kane has special significance for us because of what it stands for, so while other groups may appear with them, they are in no way the same "kanes" that Nupes hold dear.
And not to diminish the topic or the replies because the question is an interesting one, but perhaps the Nupes have not replied because this matter has been a trivial one to us for some time. I only decided to add my "two cents" as a point of clarification."
A number of commenters wrote that no member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. had participated in this discussion about other Black Greek letter organizations stepping with kanes (canes).
Comment #11: rhapsody1922, 03-13-2002
Location: Missouri---it's a midwest thang!
"Re: Re: The Kane issue
Originally posted by DoggyStyle82
Thanks for your info. There is a lot of mis-information out
there. Much of it due to the internet. As someone who has spent my greek life
with real members at various yards in various geographical areas, I know the
answers to your questions.
The Sigmas did not invent stepping
The cane (only Kappas can claim "kane") is not a
traditional part of Sigma stepping.
The Sigma pledgees at one time, transitioned from Crescents
to Dogs during "Hell Week", but have neva, eva had a
"dogmatic" image.
"Hopping" is not native to Sigmas. Its just
something else that they have tried to appropriate and try to claim as their
The Sigmas have liberally borrowed distinctions from other
orgs in an attempt to enhance theirs.
Thats why "kanes" belong to the Nupes. It's their distinguishing characteristic. The Ques have a distinctive image, but now Sigmas strip and get freaky at the step shows, try some "hops", and try to be hard. They tried to do an Omega step at the Philly Greek one year and got wrecked.
Plain and simple, do what you do and stick to it. Leave other peoples "stuff" alone. Why be insecure in who you are and what you do (unless it doesn't work for you).
P.S. This doesn't apply to SGRho if that is a part of your history."
"What do you mean "doesn't apply to SGRho if that is part of your history?" Didn't understand the statement."
Comment #12: DoggyStyle 82, 03-14-2002
Comment #13: DoggyStyle82, 03-14-2002
"What do you mean "doesn't apply to SGRho if that is part of your history?" Didn't understand the statement."
Sorry. I don't know where SGRho's history with the cane came from nor how long its been part of your history. I see a lot of them perform with them and some without. I say that I don't know because I never saw many SGRhos until the mid -90's. None of the 70's or 80's Nupes that I know never mentioned a relationship with SGRho or about teaching them the art of "kaning". If the cane is part of your history, I'll take your word for it. It definitely could be the case in the midwest and I'll take a SGRho's word on that before I trust my limited observation of your org."
Comment #14:
DoggyStyle82: 03-14-2002
Quote: Texas_Dove Texas
"For anyone interested in learning more about Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. involvement with canes, stepping etc...please check out [Pancocojams Editor's note: This website is no longer active as of March 11, 2024.]
I think this website goes a long way in clearing up "misconceptions" about Sigma.
To DoggyStyle82: I understand your position on these matters (I don't agree, but understand your position) and look forward to "chatting" with you in the future.
Thanks for the info. Very interesting and informative. Knowledge beats supposition any day. The old pics with the canes was proof enough so I must acquiesce on that being in their tradition. It must be regional because it is not universal as with the Kappas."
Comment #15: Bobby Earl, 03-19-2002
..."I am sure that some where down the line, some organizations have bitten the styles of other organizations. Nevertheless, we all have a unique style that is "Often imitated but never duplicated." I don't care how many organizations started with, used, or incorporated a kane into their history."
"NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT KANE like a NUPE (notice I didn't say Kappa) KNOWS ABOUT KANE ... and I'm not just talking about founders either.
You can twirl it, flip it, roll it, catch it and even hook it.
But until you get in the KUT , you don't know anything about it!'
Comment #16: carmelafox, 08-18-2002
Location: Austin, Texas
"Alphas with canes! That would be some ridiculous stuff to see. I've seen sigmas, sgrhos, AKAs, and even my sorors (DST) use canes so I don't think it should be a big issue. Although the cane is most associated with them men of Kappa Alpha Psi, so it doesn't suprise me that some Kappas may find it offensive to see other organizations use it for show. By the way, the day I see a Que or Alpha pick up a cane is the day pigs fly!"
Comment #17: agent112, 11-19-2002
Location: Colorado
“The truth is....
If some of you greeks stop looking at your fraternal history from the last 3 lines and look deep into the past, you will find that members of each and everyone of your organizations carried canes. In the past, canes were a representation of presitge, wealth, and respect. Canes were a symbol of honor and so, many, many men carried them within the BGLO's.Ques...oh, sorry...Omega men, Alpha's Kappa's and Sigma's. As far as the men of Kappa Alpha Psi goes...they carry it in remembrence of Paul W. Caine who died in 1922 due to an explosion at his business. So understand, to Kappa's, this kane is a connection, a remembrance, and a dedication to a fallen brother. Not mearly a piece of wood with electrical tape around it. To them, it really is sacred. That is why they are so close to it. The men of Phi Beta Sigma were not the first to carry canes, but they were the first to step with them in a rythmic way. You see, stepping is a hand me down of African dance and military drill and ceremony movements. Soldiers returning from the military incorporated these drill movements into what has evolved as modern day stepping. The men of Phi Beta & KAY first used the "walking" version of the cane while the men of KAY eventualy cut the cane and used the shortened version to "twirl" with. And understand this, twirling is very new in comparision of how old the fraternity really is. Twirling became associated with KAY because they "perfected" it if you will. Phi Beta Sigma didn't twirl, they beat the canes on the ground to a rythm, the passed the canes in a ripple fashion, they tossed the canes through the air, but they didn't twirl until after KAY popularized it. Alpha's and Que's abandoned the cane once it became "commercialized" by Phi Beta and KAY. So they embloyed other methods of individualization. And so, to this day, Kappa's and Sigma's carry canes. But for very different reasons.
Like I said, your history runs much deeper then the few ol' heads you see comming back for homecoming. Set yourself on a quest for truth and search. You will be surprised at what you will find.
Once again...Prince Hall Masons lead from the front."
Comment #18: DoggyStyle82, 11-20-2002
"Dude, I don't know what the heck you are spouting, but da Ques aint never step with canes. No if, ands, or buts. And the cane was not universal among Sigmas as it was with the Kappas. I'm glad that I know my history from real brothers and not was is past through the net as fact."
Comment #19: agent112, 11-21-2002
Location: Colorado
"Listen up hero, you kats have got to read and stop filling in words. We all know Ques didn't step with canes. No one said that. Read highspeed!!! Men, prominent men, members of the organization, great men carried walking canes. Not because they were hurt, not because they had a limp, because it was a symbol of prestige. It was all symbolism hero. Thats how it started young blood. The same way these young chumps run out to get 5 time zone watches and what not. To symbolize that they have advanced from one level to another. Look at you, all bent out of shape because you failed to pay attention to detail. No disrespect intended young man. Just pay closer attention to detail next time."
This concludes Part I of this three part series.
Thank you for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
Here's an excerpt from a Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. website about the use of canes in stepping:
The history of Stepping according to the Temple of Blue
"For Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, in many regions, canes were used due, in part, to the influence of the founders, but for the most part by the military drill sergeants who were members. In the late 40's and early 50's, for the purpose of identification, many black drill sergeants carried canes. These canes allowed other black soldiers to identify with their rank, which was necessary on many bases where racism was prevalent. Of course there were some drill sergeants that were members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. as well as Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and it is possible that these were some of the influences for using canes as a part of the step process."...