
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baba Ese (You Are The Pillar That Holds My Life), Part 3

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part 3 in a three part series on the Nigerian song "Baba Ese" (and similar titles). "Baba Ese" is Yoruba for "Thank you, Father". In the context of religious songs, the word "father" means "Father God".

Part 1 and Part 2 of this series focus on selected Yoruba versions of this song.

Click for Part 1 of that series.

Click for Part 2 of that series.

Numbers are assigned to these featured videos throughout the three blog posts in this series.

Part 3 of this series features selected videos of the sub-set of songs from the "Baba Ese" family that include the line "You Are The Pillar The Holds My Life". A clip of that line "You Are The Pillar" often serves as the title for those songs.

I consider those songs is a sub-set of "Baba Ese" because they may include the phrase "Baba o ese" & other lyrics from the "Baba Ese" songs. Furthermore, "You Are The Pillar" uses the same tune as "Baba Ese".

As an aside, it's interesting to note that (apart from a dancehall rhythm arrangement of this song found at x), video versions of "Baba Ese" that I have viewed & listened to consistently have a rather slow tempo. This consistency in tempo is in sharp contrast to the various different tempos and rhythms that are used for another popular Nigerian Gospel song "Jehovah, You Are The Most High God". Click for Part 1 of a four part pancocojams series on that song.

Video Example #9: You Are The Pillar

Uploaded by sbadu2 on Nov 8, 2008

African Worship 2008 with Sonnie Badu

Video Example #10: You are the Pillar

Uploaded by RonkeAdesokan on Dec 1, 2009
Here's a verse of that song that was posted on this video's viewer comment thread by the vocalist, Ronke Adesokan:

When I think of what i've been through
through the fire and the storm
so many times I felt like
I would never make it through
but by Your grace, mercy and Power
God you saw me through
Now, look what the Lord has done
You are my Pillar
-RonkeAdesokan;; 2010

Video Example #11: You are the Pillar - Sabina Worships @ Redeemed Christian Church

Uploaded by mabentex on Nov 28, 2009

Sabina Ministers a powerful Worship medley! You are the pillar, Adonai, Ese O Baba (Thank You Father) at Redeemed Christian Church of God
According to the comments on this video's viewer comment thread, the vocalist, Sabina Prempeh, is from Ghana, and the church service was in the United States

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Viewer comments are welcome.

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