
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Non-Blacks In Historically Black Greek-Letter Fraternities & Sororities (2009 Book excerpt, chapter written by Dr. Matthew W. Hughley)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post is part of a new ongoing pancocojams series on non-Black members of historically Black Greek lettered fraternities and sororities.

This post provides an excerpt from the Google review of the 2009 book Brothers and Sisters: Diversity in College Fraternities and Sororities edited by Craig LaRon Torbenson and Gregory Parks. The portion of the book that is quoted was written by Matthew W. Hughey.

The Addendum of this post provides a partial list of the first non-Black members of the Divine Nine (historically Black Greek Letter Organizations BGLOs), using information that is given in this post and information that I've found online. Please help to complete this list.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Dr. Matthew W. Hughey and all others who are quoted in this post.
Dr. Matthew W. Hughey is a White member of the historically black Greek-letter organization, Phi Beta Sigma fraternity. He pledged and “crossed over” to that fraternity in 1996 while he was a student at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

Click the "non-Black members of Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs)" for subsequent posts in this pancocojams series.

Edited by Craig LaRon Torbenson, Gregory Parks (Associated University Presse, 2009 - Education - 320 pages)
"The 1950s are arguably the watershed era in the civil rights movement with the landmark Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, and the desegregation of Little Rock (Arkansas) High School in 1957. It was during this period--1955 to be exact--that sociologist Alfred M. Lee published his seminal work Fraternities without Brotherhood: A Study of Prejudice on the American Campus. Lee's book was the first and last book to explore diversity within college fraternal groups. More than fifty years later, Craig L. Torbenson and Gregory S. Parks revisit this issue more broadly in their edited volume Brothers and Sisters: Diversity in College Fraternities and Sororities. This volume draws from a variety of disciplines in an attempt to provide a holistic analysis of diversity within collegiate fraternal life. It also brings a wide range of scholarly approaches to the inquiry of diversity within college fraternities and sororities. It explores not only from whence these groups have come but where they are currently situated and what issues arise as they progress."

GOOGLE BOOK CHAPTER EXCERPT: "Crossing The Sand: NonBlacks In Black Greek-Letter Organizations" from the 2009 book Brothers And Sisters: Diversity In College Fraternities And Sororities
[chapter author] Matthew W. Hughey

[page 258]


The first collegiate fraternity for African American men still exists today. Alpha Phi Alpha was established in 1906 at Cornell University. However, like their white counterparts, fraternities for nonwhite groups often excluded students who were not members of their particular racial group. Accordingly, when questioned about the need for fraternities for nonwhite students in 1949, Alpha Phi Alpha president Wilbert Whisett responded “If we are not permitted to join other fraternities, we must form a fraternity of our own. We have no other choice. “ E. Franklin Frazier affirms in Black Bourgeoise that BGLOs were founded in direct response to the refusal to allow blacks to join white Greek organizations. So too, Swedish economist Gunner Myrdal, in his classic study An American Dilemma remarked that “America has an unusual proliferation of social clubs, recreational organizations, lodges, fraternities and sororities…. Despite the fact that they are predominately lower class Negroes are more inclined to join associations than are white….in this respect, Negroes are “exaggerated” Americans…With rare exceptions, these associations have only Negroes as members, and their large number is in some measure a product of the prohibitions against having Negroes as members of white organizations.

While Myrdal praised black fraternal organizations for their “exaggerated” Americanness of civic participation, he went on to decry black fraternal organizations as “pathological” and “a poor substitute [for] political activity”. Sadly ironic, he missed how BGLOs were vehicles for political and social change. Skocpol, Liazos, and Ganz argue “To gain critical leverage against US white racism and build as much black solidarity as possible…African American fraternalists have always been internationalists. They became human rights universalists, as it were, long before this stance was fashionable…and thus enhanced the power and dignity of appeals for racial equality inside the United States.” Accordingly, while many white Greek organizations were excluding black members, BGLOs were breaking the color-line. Even though BGLOs were either changing their constitutions early on in


their organizational history, or never possessed racial restrictive clauses, nonblack membership (especially for whites) was often framed as a taboo topic. Walter Kimbrough writes “Whites who goes against the grain of societal norms and seek membership in groups founded to serve the Black community. This is definitely a controversial subject”.

Instances in nonblack membership in BGLOs started to make headlines in the 1940s. Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity pledged Bernard Levin, a senior at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry on June 21, 1946. “Pledging a white student, the opposition maintained, would violate an ancient Alpha tradition of seeking recruits from the cream of college-bred Negroes. Supporters of the admission of Bernard Levin attacked these arguments as smug bigotry. To oppose reaction of an interracial fraternity amounted to justifying Jim Crow, they said. After hours of heated wrangling, the interracialists finally triumphed and Levin was pledged. In 1949 Mrs. Marjorie T. Ware and Miss Olive Young became the first two white women into Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. Both members attributed their choice of membership in the black sorority to their belief in human rights and racial integration. In 1953 at the University of Kansas, a white man named Roger L Youmans pledged Alpha Phi Alpha and moved into the fraternity house during the next fall semester. After Youmans gained media attention for his move, a cross was burned in the front lawn of the fraternity house.

Chi Delta Mu (one of the first BGLOs, no longer exists today), along with Omega Psi Phi fraternity at Howard University, admitted white members in 1949. In 1954 at Philander Smith College, Georg Iggers (who fled Nazi Germany when he was twelve years old when the German army began rounding up Jewish citizens to put in concentration camps) became the first white member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity. Five years later in 1959 at the Omega Psi Phi conference, Herbert F. Tucker, the assistant attorney general of Massachusetts, urged all BGLOs to encourage interracial membership and challenged the members in attendance by stating “Negro fraternities had only token white membership.” These patterns of sporadic nonblack membership continued into more recent years. As a corollary to the University of Alabama (UA) attempts at cross-racial membership that were discussed in the preceding section, several BGLOs have succeeded in obtaining white membership before the aforementioned Twilley, Johnson, and Houston examples at UA. In 1986 a white student made headlines when she joined the UA chapter of Zeta Phi Beta sorority at UA. In 1987, Mark Brafford became a white member of Zeta Phi Beta’s brother organization-Phi Beta Sigma. Jeff Choron became a white member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity at the UA in 1990 because he felt “they were more tolerant, because differences are to be

[260] This page is not part of this [Google book] review.

“Most people didn’t want me to be part of the chapter. They didn’t want to be known as the ones who allowed a White soror to slip in”. Davina Brown, a black member of Zeta Phi Beta sorority remarked “we service the special needs of our black communities- it just makes me uncomfortable in knowing that, here again, is a tradition that is slowly being taken away from us. Yet, Lawrence C. Ross, Jr, author of The Divine Nine, argues that the fear of whites taking over BGLOs is unfounded and almost impossible, and that even though white membership in BGLOs has grown, it is far from a “white stampede”. Accordingly, a white professor at the University of Central Oklahoma, Jere Robinson, pledged Omega Psi Phi in 1977 and stated that his fraternity brothers “made me feel at home, comfortable, and happy.” Many feel that contemporary racial politics would be an impediment to cross-racial amity due to prejudicial attitudes based on white stereotypes. However, Damian L Duchamp, who became a white member of Phi Beta Sigma at Clemson University in 1997 stated “Some of my brothers would say that I’m the Whitest gay they know…I grew up in a very Caucasian environment.“

Despite these differences, most white BGLO members report substantial accord and unity. Writing in the Cornell Sun online discussion forum in conjunction with the one-hundredth year anniversary of Alpha Phi Alpha, White Alpha member Karl Rainhold stated “While it would be understandable if I were not well received amongst the ranks of the organization given the still persistent divisions and inequities in our society today, my experience for the last 15 years has been quite to the contrary. Does it raise eyebrows? Yes, but not with the feelings of animosity or exclusion, only curiosity at the visual singularity of my presence. I am welcomed and embraced as a Brother in the organization, an inspiring testament to working by example, fellowship, and brotherhood, without preoccupation or undue regard to my racial or cultural background.”...

As a means of making this information easier to find, as of this date, here are the names that I've found for the first non-Black members of the historically Black Greek letter organizations that are informally known as the Divine Nine (along with the date they joined their organization and where they pledged). [given in chronological order]

Unless otherwise noted, this information is given in the chapter that is quoted in this post.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity - Bernard Levin (June 21, 1946)

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity - (name not given in chapter quoted above) - 1949 [Howard University?]

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority - Mrs. Marjorie T. Ware and Miss Olive Young, 1949 [Howard University?]

Zeta Phi Beta sorority - (name not given in chapter quoted above), 1986 [University of Alabama]

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity - Georg Iggers, 1954, Philander Smith College, 1987 [University of Alabama]

Delta Sigma Theta - Joan Trumpauer Mulholland (1962, Tougaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi).

Please add to this list sharing the names of the first non-Black members of the historically Black Greek letter organizations that aren't listed here yet. Corrections are welcome. Thanks!

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Platters - "The Great Pretender" (information, lyrics, & video)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about The Platters and showcases their R&B classic song "The Great Pretender".

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the Platters for their musical legacy. Thanks also to Buck Ram, the composer of "The Great Pretenders" for his musical legacy. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this film clip on YouTube.

"The Platters are an American vocal group formed in 1952. They were one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era. Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan Alley tradition and the burgeoning new genre. The act went through several personnel changes, with the most successful incarnation comprising lead tenor Tony Williams, David Lynch, Paul Robi, Herb Reed, and Zola Taylor. The group had 40 charting singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart between 1955 and 1967, including four number-one hits. The Platters are one of the first African-American groups to be accepted as a major chart group and were, for a period of time, the most successful vocal group in the world.[1]


Charting hits
... Released in the summer of 1955, [“only You”] became the group's first Top Ten hit on the pop charts and topped the R&B charts for seven weeks. The follow-up, "The Great Pretender", with lyrics written in the washroom of the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas by Buck Ram,[6] exceeded the success of their debut and became the Platters' first national #1 hit. "The Great Pretender" was also the act's biggest R&B hit, with an 11-week run atop that chart. In 1956, the Platters appeared in the first major motion picture based around rock and roll, Rock Around the Clock, and performed both "Only You" and "The Great Pretender".[9]

The Platters' unique vocal style had touched a nerve in the music-buying public, and a string of hit singles followed, including three more national #1 hits and more modest chart successes such as "I'm Sorry" (#11) and "He's Mine" (#23) in 1957, "Enchanted" (#12) in 1959, and "(You've Got) The Magic Touch"[6] (#4) in 1956. The Platters soon hit upon the successful formula of updating older standards, such as "My Prayer",[6] "Twilight Time", "Harbor Lights", "To Each His Own", "If I Didn't Care", and Jerome Kern's "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes".[10] This latter release caused a small controversy after Kern's widow expressed concern that her late husband's composition would be turned into a "rock and roll" record. It topped both the American and British charts in a Platters-style arrangement.


The group was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 and into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame in its inaugural year of 1998. The Platters were the first rock and roll group to have a Top Ten album in the United States. They were also the only act to have three songs included on the American Graffiti soundtrack that fueled an oldies revival already underway in the early to mid-1970s: "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes", "The Great Pretender", and "Only You (and You Alone)"."...

" "The Great Pretender" is a popular song recorded by The Platters, with Tony Williams on lead vocals, and released as a single on November 3, 1955. The words and music were written by Buck Ram,[1] the Platters' manager and producer who was a successful songwriter before moving into producing and management. "The Great Pretender" reached the number one position on both the R&B and pop charts in 1956.[2] It also reached the UK charts peaking at number 5.

Platters' version
Buck Ram reports that he wrote the song in about 20 minutes in the washroom of the Flamingo Hotel in order to have a song to follow up the success of "Only You (And You Alone)"….
In 2004, the song was voted 360th greatest song of all time by Rolling Stone.[3] Plas Johnson played tenor saxophone.”...

Oh oh, yes I'm the great pretender
Pretending that I'm doing well
My need is such I pretend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell

Oh oh, yes I'm the great pretender
Adrift in a world of my own
I've played the game but to my real shame
You've left me to grieve all alone

Too real is this feeling of make believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Yes I'm the great pretender
Just laughin' and gay like a clown
I seem to be what I'm not, you see
I'm wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you're still around

Too real is this feeling of make believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Yes I'm the great pretender
Just laughin' and gay like the clown
I seem to be what I'm not, you see
I'm wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you're still around
(Still around)
Writer/s: BUCK RAM
Publisher: Peermusic Publishing


YOUTUBE VIDEO: The Platters - The Great Pretender (Original Footage HD)

Solrac Etnevic, Published on Sep 18, 2013

(P)(C) Mercury Records (USA) 1955

"The Great Pretender" is a popular song recorded by The Platters, with Tony Williams on lead vocals, and released as a single on November 3, 1955. The words and music were created by Buck Ram, the Platters' manager and producer who was a successful songwriter before moving into producing and management. The Great Pretender reached the number one position on both the R&B and pop charts in 1956.[1] In 2004, the song was voted 360th greatest song of all time by Rolling Stone.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Silhouettes - "Get A Job" (1957 Doo-Wop hit record) information, lyrics, sound file, & comments) l

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about the music group The Silhouettes and information about their hit song "Get A Job".

A YouTube sound file of "Get A Job" is showcased in this post along with selected comments from the discussion thread of that sound file.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copy rights remain with their owners.

Thanks to The Silhouettes for their musical legacy. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this sound file on YouTube.

The Silhouettes were an American doo wop/R&B group whose single "Get A Job" was a number 1 hit on the Billboard R&B singles chart and pop singles chart in 1958. The doo-wop revival group Sha Na Na derived their name from the song's lyrics.

The Silhouettes toured with Sam Cooke, Jackie Wilson, Clyde McPhatter and others but the group never reached the top of the charts again. They disbanded in 1968, but the four original members reformed the group in the 1980s and continued to work until 1993.[2]

Group members
Richard "Rick" Lewis, tenor (September 2, 1933 – April 19, 2005)
Bill Horton, lead (December 25, 1929 – January 23, 1995)
Earl T. Beal, baritone (July 18, 1924, Donora, Pennsylvania – March 22, 2001)
Raymond Edwards, bass (September 22, 1922, Virginia. – 1997, Philadelphia)
John "Bootsie" Wilson, lead (July 18, 1940 – September 21, 2009)"...

Get A Job - The Silhouettes - 1957
Written by The Silhouettes

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na

Every morning about this time
She gets me out of my bed a-crying
Get a job

After breakfast every day
She throws the want ads right my way
And never fails to say
Get a job

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na

And when I get the paper
I read it through and through
And my girl never fails to say
If there is any work for me

And when I go back to the house
I hear the woman's mouth
Preaching and a-crying
Tell me that I'm lying
About a job
That I never could find

Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Sha na na na - sha na na na na
Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip
Mum mum mum mum mum mum
Get a job
Sha na na na - sha na na na na

*The song was written by Richard Lewis before he joined the group, but writing credits were always shared.



MANNY MORA, Published on Nov 6, 2013

The Silhouettes were formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1956, at first using the name The Thunderbirds. Their classic hit "Get A Job" - originally the B-side to "I Am Lonely" - was issued by their manager Kae Williams on his own Junior Records label before being sold to the nationally distributed Ember label in late 1957. It reached number 1 on both the R&B and pop charts in U.S. and the group performed it on television's American Bandstand. The song sold more than one million copies, and was awarded a gold record.

The lyrics of "Get a Job" are notable for the depiction of a household in tension because of unemployment, despite the man's desperate attempts to find work, all delivered in a relentlessly upbeat style. A second release, "Heading for the Poorhouse", continued the economic theme. It was one of the few songs to allude to inflation, the trip to the poorhouse being because "all our money turned brown". This single and all their subsequent singles sold poorly and the group never entered the national charts again, making them a classic example of "one hit wonders".

"When I was in the service in the early 1950s and didn't come home and go to work, my mother said 'get a job' and basically that's where the song came from," said tenor Richard Lewis, who wrote the lyrics. The four members shared the credit, jointly creating the "sha na na" and "dip dip dip dip" hooks later imitated by other doo-wop groups.

The song was recorded at Robinson Recording Laboratories in Philadelphia in October 1957. Rollie McGill played the saxophone break and the arranger was Howard Biggs. It was released on the Junior label and Doug Moody who later formed Punk/Thrash label Mystic Records brought it to Ember Records where it was licensed for national distribution. Moody then worked with Dick Clark to get the group on American Bandstand.

The Silhouettes performed the song several times on Dick Clark's American Bandstand in early 1958, the single sold more than a million copies.

The song was later featured in the soundtracks of the movies American Graffiti, Stand By Me, the end credits for Trading Places and Joey (in which the group also performed it). The revival group Sha Na Na derived their name from the song's catchy doo-wop introduction. "Get a Job" inspired a number of answer songs, including "Got a Job", the debut recording by The Miracles."...

(With numbers added for referencing purposes only)

1. The Great Toucan, 2014
"The vocal harmonies are wonderful, classic R & B. The saxophone gets a lot of attention on this hit, and is the typical jazz treatment of the time. But just listen to the piano in the background. Some awesome and HEAVY R & B piano licks being thrown down there, and no credit to the player anywhere. The rhythm section is solid. Overall, a huge tune and worthy to sell a million!"

2. Bill Simpson, 2016
"+The Great Toucan The saxophone was the lead instrument in all those early rock & roll songs."

3. Phil Newton, 2015
"What makes this, original, version so great is how rough it is. Very little production value on it, the bass singer stomps all over everyone and is just a tad behind his bandmates. Any producer worth their salt would have made them do another take--but that would have ruined it. Perfect as it is."

4. Rekkn_, 2015
"@Phil Newton i couldnt agree more. this could be applied to a lot of bands in my opinion. the 'raw' version is often the best, then you listen to the cd version and everything is just to .... clean. To the point that the magic is partially gone."

5. Brutus Mars, 2015
"@Rekall _ Yeah, music nowadays is all about trying to sound perfect, no mistakes whatsoever."

6. alman54, 2016
"+Phil Newton I've always thought the bass singer was the "lead" in those "sha na na" parts. His voice is most prominent. The bass singer "stomping" all over everyone" might have been intentional."

7. Arthur Workman, 2017
"Man it was customary for the bass singers to be vocally that far out in front. Listen to any of these fine songs and you'll hear how more pronounced the bass man is in comparison to the other members of the group. Just as the high soprano voices lead when they were supposed the bass man was allowed to take over certain lead positions all the while still staying comfortably behind somewhere in the middle range so to speak. If that makes any sense. I hope it does."

8. Matt James, 2018
"You're so right, man! At the song's end, the bass totally stomps on the lead. I thought that the bass was supposed to support the lead. Nope, not on this song! Yes, the bass is behind the rest. You make a killer observation. I love how you realize that in the final analysis, it takes on a life of its own. you have one of the coolest observations on YouTube. Respect!"

9. Chortle Chortle Chortle, 2018
"@alman54 I think it was intentional."

10. DetroitLove4U, 2015
"Which one was the one with deep voice ..... his name?"

11. scrumsie, 2016
"+DetroitLove4U Leroy Brown"

12. DetroitLove4U, 2016
"+scrumsie Thank You"

13. Azizi Powell, 2019
"@+DetroitLove4U, the bass singer was Raymond Edwards.

The answer "Leroy Brown" is wrong. I think it was meant to be a joke riffing off of Jim Croce's hit song "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" (The name "Leroy Brown" in the United States if not in that Jim Croce song is stereotypically considered to be a "Black name" and The Silhouettes are/were a Black music group)."

14. Rob Mitchell, 2017
"Thanks for sharing the background information to song. Very interesting and informative."

15. Linda Dee, 2017
"4th grade, gettin' ready for school in the morning, if I heard this song on our old Philco radio in the kitchen, I'd be singing it all day at school, til I'd get in trouble with the teacher. I just couldn't help myself!"

16. uknow who, 2018
"The woes of black unemployment set to a rocking beat."

17. DrBongos, 2018
"I love that song. It inspired my bass doo wop style. The first time I saw Sha Na Na, they were a support band and I had no idea what they sounded like. When they came on stage dressed like 50s rockers and open with Get a Job, I was blown away. I prefer the original, but Shan Na Na was a great act."

18. Jenny N, 2018
"I'm re-reading Stephen King's Christine, and there's a part where Arnie turns on the radio, and "The Silhouettes were kip-kip-kipping and boom-booming through 'Get A Job.'" And I thought, "I don't think that's right. It's yip-yip and num or mum or something." I had to come here to make sure I was right. Get it together, Stephen!"

19. Andrew Parrish, 2018
"Back when music was music. They don't make it like this anymore. That's for sure"

20. r winters, 2019
"Such a unique song in the history of Motown. Great vocals plus a really suave jazz interlude. Going to have to look up other Silhouettes songs."

21. G Q, 2019
"If they recorded it here in New Jersey it would be entitled get 2 jobs."

22. valerie campbell, 2019
"Richard "Rick" Lewis, tenor (September 2, 1933 – April 19, 2005)
Bill Horton, lead (December 25, 1929 – January 23, 1995)
Earl T. Beal, baritone (July 18, 1924, Donora, Pennsylvania – March 22, 2001)
Raymond Edwards, bass (September 22, 1922, Virginia. – 1997, Philadelphia)
John "Bootsie" Wilson, lead (July 18, 1940 – September 21, 2009)

23. MrOystein1977, 2019
"Are all of those guys gone? 😞"

"Uncle Richard Wrote this song .. That' what grandmom said to him GET A JOB.... She's the woman hes talking about in the song.. According to my Mommy his little sister The former Jannette Lewis. Rest in POWER uncle Richard..."

25. mrkrojo, 2019
"This is just one of those perfect, shivers-down-your-spine rock n' roll songs. You can tell the guys are having fun singing it. Even with all the little tricks of harmony, hand-clapping, acapella parts, deep baritones and high falsettos, it's all done effortlessly and it's so natural. It still sounds a little goofy and raw making it accessible to toddlers and geezers alike. Love this one."

26. Daniel Cropp, 2019
"I listened to this song on cassette tape in my Mom's car as a kid."

27. Appen Zeller, 2019
"Amazing the music made without special effects, correctors and all the fancy stuff they have now. Just soul....and talent !!"

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Gazza - "Chelete" (With Comments About How This Video Became Namibia, South Africa's First YouTube Music Video With One Million Views)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about Namibia, South African record artist Gazza and showcases the official YouTube video of Gazza's record "Chelete".

This pancocojams post also chronologizes the successful movement by commenters on the YouTube discussion thread for Gazza's "Chelete" video to reach one million YouTube views for that video - the first Namibian record to reach that number on YouTube.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Gazza for his musical legacy and thanks to all those who are associated with this song and its official video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.

"Lazarus Shiimi (born 10 March 1977), known by his stage name Gazza, is a Namibian musician.

Born in Oshikuku,[1] Gazza grew up in a family of seven. As a soccer lover, he nicknamed himself Gazza after famous English soccer player Paul Gascoigne.[1] After completing high school he went to study marketing at Boston College in Cape Town, South Africa where he advanced his love for Kwaito music.


His music can be defined as a mix of several influences namely kwaito, dancehall, reggae, and hip hop,[1] and his lyrics are about township life.

His twelfth full-length album, Misunderstood, is set for release in November 2018.[7]


Gazza won an award for best Kwaito Music Video at the Channel O Spirit of Africa Music Awards held in Johannesburg. JCC Namibia also honoured him with the most outstanding young Namibian Award shortly after his return from South Africa.


Cosa Nostra: Lafamilia won three awards at the Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) with "Shukusha" from the album winning 'Best Music Video of the year 2011'.[8] [9]

The Boss album won three NAMAs in 2013, best house, best music video and best collaboration with Cho Cho, L'vovo, Bah, Big Nuz and Shota.


On 2017, he won four Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMA) - Male Artist of the Year, Best Collaboration, Best Album of the Year (for Pumumu), and a Special Recognition Award for his contribution to the Namibian Music industry over the past 15 years.[12]"...

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Gazza - Chelete (Official Music Video)

GMP467, Published on Oct 26, 2018

(C) 2018 Gazza Music Productions
A number of commenters in the YouTube discussion thread for "Chelete" refer to Gazza's record company GMP or GMP 467. 467/GMP Till I Die is the name of Gazza's best selling 2007 album. "Gazlam" is another referent used by commenters for Namibian recording artist Gazza. Some commenters also use the Afrikaan terms "groot man" (big man; great man) or "groot" as a referent for Gazza.

"Chelete" is

Statistics as of August 28, 2019 at 5:23 AM
total # of views - 1,478,989 views
total # of likes - 18K
total # of dislikes -710
total # of comments - 1,484

Most of the following comments refer to the commenter led drive to reach one million views for Gazza's "Chelete"'s YouTube official video.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

October 2018
1. Kerstin Waris
"This Song is🔥🔥🔥! I'm from Germany and I only understand the English parts but I love this song and Gazza!🇳🇦🇳🇦🇳🇦"

2. theo derrich, November 2019
"Aikongo money-im looking for money
Aikongo cherete-im looking for money."

3. Jameson Bacon
"who's here before 1000 view"

4. Lucia kanutus Tangi

5. Joyce Mona
"5.9k views in 2
Hours 😍👏🏾"

6. Tanson Elias
"1million here we come ....."

7. Genevieve Cloete
"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥here before 1 million views."

8. sekano strauss
"Goal is to reach 1 million views
Level up
Level up
Level up

SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇳🇦💪💪💯💯👊🔥🔥🔥"

9. israel Nhuleipo
"Was here before 10K views. Now 1M views NAM"

10. Elrico Wentura
"467 aka Gazza,aka Grootman. Well done boss"

11. SamGee
"Karandu Kaasino'haShiimi, WE all know him by now.. SINGING
ERR'THIN LIT. START TILL END.. Team 1Million Views."

12. Onesmus Shikongo
"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥here before 1 million views.Keep them nice tracks coming Big Boss 🔥🔥Fayaaa🔥"

November 2018
13. Azo Akweenda
"Patiently waiting for a 100K!!!!!"

14. ultimate sandboarding
"million views yes we can, only stand together as one, lets support our own first"

15. Nita M
"Taking this to 1million 💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿"

16. Martha Dorren
"I shared this link 126 times☺☺☺☺"

17. OB Dubb
"cool lets get this to 1,000,000!!!!! Gazza hala at your boi OB DUBB"

18. Tracey Shaahamange
"Lets make it a mil guysz"

19. Zhahida Tjizera
"We’re halfway there Boeti Gazlam💕 #millionviews💪🏾💪🏾"

December 2018
20. WS V.H98
"500K soon"

21. Immo br_vke
"The video is🔥🔥🔥
Love the energy and vibe
#1mili views in a few boss👊"

January 2019
22. Natasha Snyder
"500k strong 😝🙌"

23. Danté Ilovu-Just
"We are pushing that 1 million"

24. Ali shikundiko
"Now half a million viewers"

25. Lionel Lilungwe
"Impressive. A million views is attainable. 👏👏👏"

26. WS V.H98
"We onto million views soon✊"

27. vick vicky
"legend ,milli views in this thang .NA to the world"

February 2019
28. Junior Khalifa_NA
"Video deserves to reach 1m views GMP all the way."

March 2019
"here before one million views 😍😍😍😍 CHELETE 👌✌✌"

30. Gabriel Media
"50 to a milli🔥 rn"

31. Ali shikundiko
"The road to 1 million is possible now"

32. Laban Junior
"1000000 is the aim...boety Gazlam."

33. Hilma Fillipus
"961 940 views almost at 1mill💃💃💃

34. Ronaldo Roelph
"Not a day has gone by without watching the video. And I know I'm not the only one. The aim is to get a milion views. #GazzaMili"

35. Gad Kakukuru
"1 million views, is that you I see around the corner? The GMP Family can’t wait to welcome you in style 🤙🏿"

36. Black Unicorn
"We about to hit a Million views 🤧😭🔥"

37. Nicky Amwele
"Almost there, 1 million I see you!🤪"

38. Quintus Izecson bendos bendoly
"I think we will hit those 1M views in April/May. Let's do this guys ....

Let me correct my mistake looks like we're gonna hit a million views sooner than I thought 😆"

39. Mx3 news
"Now or never we will hit it today or early tomorrow"

40. Mclean Uwuses
"When You Basically Listen To This Song Every Day So That It Can Get To 1M😂❤"

41. Albertina Nelumbu
"true story lol"

42. Mclean Uwuses
"We Are So Close👏👏❤😆"

43. Victoria Naatye
"We are there🙌🏽🙏"

44. Fenny Shapwanale
"😂😂😂😂Lol bra"

45. Mclean Uwuses
"We Did It Fam❤😆👏👏👏"

46. Emma Kamati
"We almost there,big things popping!! 1 mill💃💃

47. Kenny Mndawe
"I'm seriously going to take this song over the million views mark on my own...... that shows how much i like the track... Love from Durban RSA.

Edit: I told you peeps that I'll take this to over 1million views and I have delivered."

48. Chili Bite
"Kenny Mndawe salute"

49. Ricky Nchindo
"Almost there...keep sharing!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥"

50. Nita M
"🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿 I’m the one millionth viewer. You’re welcome"

51. ultimate sandboarding
"Million views in 4/5 months, first namibian artist to ever do it, #GMPgang#"

52. Leonard Johannes
"mission completed"

53. Shikongo Tully
"One million...what the heck!!!!
....................This is great achievement to Namibia
Woooooooooo ....................wish I was in the video"

54. Johanna Shiimi
"We've done it fam. The milli is here"

55. Mx3 news
"1mill views we have done it Namibia"

56. Levi Katire
"I knew GMP will do but just didn't expect so soon. Big up to you history maker."

57. monika shivolo
"We did it 1Mil views 🙏🙏🙏"

58. Sakeus H Wilbard
"1mil and I am still here"

59. John Lenga
"I doubted he'd hit the million. Never again 🙌🏾"

60. Haludilu Gabriel
"Never say never"

61. Helen Kambonde
"Why so negative??"

62. Aluta Nongauza
"The YouTube ad totally worked!!"

63. Orben Muluti
"1 Million!!!! The 1st but definitely not the last."

64. Paulina Naupu
"1M and still counting 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾"

65. Tomas Shiindi
"A million views 🙏🏽🔥🔥🔥 let’s take it higher 🔥"

66. Junior Khalifa_NA
"Yes finally reach 1million views GMP 4 life well deserved😎👏🏽"

67. Petrus Nghipangelua
"Now over a million views, I saw it coming."

"finally one million view 😘😘😘❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥"

69. daniel imalwa
"1 Million views, guess this is the first ever video made by a Namibian artist to rich such views.. Congrats my G."

70. Big Man
"Proud to be part of the history

71. Victor skinny fella
"1 million views reached.
Shout out to everyone for making it happen including me."

72. dorald mathias
"Hit like if u play'd your part in #gazza_chelete1mill"

73. Elizabeth Mukulu
"Congratulations #Gazza for hitting 1million views.

74. Sakaria Namwandi
"Who else is here to celebrate the million views... 🙌🙌🙌👌👌
Congratulations Grootman!"

75. Mathew Amunkete
"1 Million Done and dusted. 🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽"

76. Nigell Toby
"1 million views congrats Gazza.. 🙌🏾🙌🏾.. Namibia 🇳🇦.. GMP for Life. 🎶🎧🎶"

77. Ricardo Avelinos
"Mil and counting. H I S T O R Y I N T H E M A K I N G"

78. Franciska Matroos
"Congrats gazza 1m views Namibian muzic is getting there.. Just hang on"

79. Leonard Hamunyela
"Was here before a milli. Legendary stuff. Congratulations groote."

80. Johannes Munango
"Let's take it to 1.5 Mill then 2 mill views real quick!!"

81. Fillemon atutyeke
"lets make history in the namibian music industry guys .. lets hit two mil before nama's
... so that history justify us!!!!"

82. Draus Simon
"can we make it to 2milli guys pls"

83. Risto Nakale

April 2019
"1 million views cerebrate there 👌👌👌ALL the way from SA"

85. M.U Royalty
"Wow 1 million views we did it👏👏"

86. Ronn-EL, April 2019
"@Victoria Naatye now we-re at 1.1 mil"

May 2019

June 2019
87. Mervin Martins
"The boy made Namibia proud over a milli views what a great song."

88. Vilho Valla
"This video is prove that anything is possible..big ups groote ✊🇳🇦👏🙌🎯

July 2019
89. Gebhard Taddeus
"@gmp otai kalele ..I can stop myself from watching this video, congratulations to@gazza @shoza_shimii @Samlee-Jones @max467 @tequila en to the whole gmp crew"

August 2019
90. Melda Williams
"Im a proud Namibian!!!

Its horrible that some countries dont know or see us.."

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Missy Elliott - Pass That Dutch (Part II - video & selected YouTube discussion thread comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series on Missy Elliot's 2003 video "Pass That Dutch".

Part II showcases the same YouTube video of Missy Elliott's "Pass That Dutch" record that was featured in Part I of this series. Selected comments from that video's discussion thread are also included in that post.

Click for Part I presents information about Missy Elliott and showcases a censored official YouTube video of that Hip Hop artist's record "Pass That Dutch". Although that video features three songs from Missy Elliott's album This Is Not A Test!, this post only presents the lyrics for the "Pass That Dutch" record. Information about that song from is also included in this pancocojams post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Missy Elliott for her musical legacy and thanks to Timbaland, Hype William, and all those who were associated with this record, album, and/or this video. Also, thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

Missy Elliott - Pass That Dutch [Official Video]

Missy Elliott, Published on Jan 19, 2017
This is the “clean” [censored] version of this video. This video doesn't include a curse word and also (for whatever reason) doesn't include a portion that Pop artist featured Michael Jackson.

"Throw it back" = showcase a record from the past, usually a record that is now considered a classic

This record/video was first released in 2003.

Statistics as of August 24, 2019 at 11:13 AM
total # of views - 2,166,282
total # of likes - 23K
total # of dislikes - 529
total # of comments - 839

(with numbers added for referencing purposes only, and a few added notes for informational purposes)

1. Pablo Sergio Rivera
"This is one of the greatest rap songs ever recorded. It's up there, it's truly remarkable. Dat beat, dat flo, dat video, everything about this is PERFECT. Absolutely legendary."

2. Pablo Sergio Rivera
"And of course, the shoutout to Aaliyah (BabyGirl, R.I.P.) is beautiful. I miss her. I was a true stan."
Click for the lyrics to the spoken word (poem) entitled "Baby Girl" which features Mary J Blige. The title for that song is "Baby Girl", a referent for beloved R&B singer Aaliyah who died in a plane crash August 2001 as well as tributes to some other deceased R&B and Hip Hop artists.

"Even after the song starts... Im singing mary j's part of the intro. Love this whole video, these 3 songs were FIREEEEE!!!!!"

4. James Del Rey
"I like that when she swears she usually reverses it. That's so creative!"
"reverses it" = reverses her dance moves and other dancers' moves

5. Ognjen Pavlovic
"So does the Dutch have to do anything with the Dutch people or is it some slang word for something?"

6. Azizi Powell
"@ Ognjen Pavlovic
"Pass the Dutch
A "dutch" in this context, is a spliff, or hand rolled marijuana cigarette. The phase is used when requesting that a comrade lend you his for a sample toke.
Here's the rest of that entry from
"(Thanks, Missy Elliot!)
Cmon, pass the dutch baby!
by Gordon October 03, 2003"

"pass the dutch
Pass the Blunt to someone
That song..."Pass the dutchie on de left han side..."
by Mel & Kris November 05, 2003
Here's the link for the "Pass The Dutchie" Reggae video: [1982]
Musical Youth Pass the Dutchie
B MOORE, Published on Feb 11, 2008"

7. Patrick Douglas
"The ending: "wake up ..wake up ..wake up!". Truth !!!"

8. RCH 32
"What's wake up from at the end"

9. Azizi Powell
"@Rch32, Dap screaming, “Wake Up!” at the end of Spike Lee's film School Daze (1988)"

10. Azizi Powell
"Here's what "woke" ["stay woke", "get woke"] means in African American Vernacular English and elsewhere by extension:
"Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice. In mainstream use, woke can also more generally describe someone or something as being "with it." "

11. Aisha
"Bow down to the queen yoooo!!!"

12. John Vermette
"This is real rap slay missy 👸"

13. Blanca
"Missy elliott has the most creative videos ever"

14. Nicole Newsome
"Blanca I agree. That's one a lot of the reasons I love her. Her videos are dope."

15. Carolina Murtha, 2018
"Her music is amazing, her lyrics are brilliant, and her videos are what won me over completely. I've always loved hip hop but all the videos were very similar. Missy brought a much needed creative surge. Her, Ludacris and Busta Rhymes are the trifecta of creative hip hop videos."

16. Dreaxil, 2019
"Real talk. She out there with it."

17. Karin Melón, 2019
"So true! Love her creativity in her music too."

18. Michael Scott, 2019
"You can thank Hype Williams for that..he is THE man when it comes to creative videos like this"

19. Jessie Fraser
"I wish Missy Elliot wud make a HUGE!!! come back. I miss Missy💔😕"

20. One Word Away, 2019
"Jessie Fraser she’s dropping an album in 2019"

21. taz zed, 2019
"Dropped last night!🤗
August 23, 2019 "Missy Elliott took a page from Beyoncé's book overnight by dropping a surprise five-track album called "Iconology."

It's the rapper's first album in 14 years, and she let everyone know about it at midnight with a tweet saying, "Let's #ThrowItBack to a time when music just felt good and made us want to dance!"
Click Click for the YouTube video of Missy Elliot's 2019 video "Throwitback".

22. MurvMuzik
""U aint got a celluar phone. Its all right" Nowadays impossible"

23. Sunny North
"The little kids dancing lol"

24. Sunny North

25. Dengee
"Love the part where Missy the scarecrow drops in with the dancers!!! DAYUM GO GURL!!! or whoever created this!!! ;-)"

26. Its_just_chris 1990
"this beat is beyond hard"

27. JKF23
"Actually this video came out back in 2003. It was on TV back then but Youtube was only created in 2007 so it was never officially uploaded till now."
Actually, YouTube started February 2005.

28. Fabienne Boughton
"That intro gives me goosebumps every damn time... it's so profound, it doesn't get the credit it deserves. Such a beautiful, melancholy tribute."

29. Jamel Watson
"This comment right here. I'm here just playing back the beginning over an over smh"
"smh" = shake my head"

30. tochiRTA
"yeah. it's crazy - never paid much attention to it and I've been into Missy for decades. It's hitting me now in 2018, lol. I think it's because I got new headphones and I'm hearing something I never heard: the girl softly humming in the background of the beat. It's just gorgeous and sad."

31. Dallas Delgado
"tochiRTA y’all know that it’s a separate standalone song on that album, right?

32. Ana Clara
"I loved the tribute to Aaliyah"

33. Shannon Curtis
"wasn't she lisa from TLC in that tribute along with 2Puc, Biggie, jam Master, and Pun ?"

34. Diana Mojanoff
"@Shannon Curtis It was all of them, she addresses Aaliyah when she says "Aaliyah, Baby Girl, I've learned to love those who are still awake. Sleep, Sleep" while having her face from the We Need a Resolution video. So many talented people lost.. may they continue to rest in peace"

35. Shannon Curtis
"@Diana Mojanoff
Yeah I figured that out a while later

I just thought she meant the TLC sister but I figured she meant that goddess who died on the plane crash 😣😢😭"

36. tochiRTA
"man... when this came out.... there was nothing like it. Felt like the club walls were trembling."

37. jtsbbsps8000
"oh man, that micheal jackson balcony reference, that's some old school epicness"
A commenter noted that part of the clip that featured Michael Jackson was deleted from this video.

38. backcue
"Scarecrows, locking dance, King Kong, aliens this music video has it all including Missy Elliot! Missy how do you make your videos so crazy lol? Keep up the good work!

40. Carlo J. Morisset III
"backcue What about the Barbie dolls in the video?"

41. s m b x
"backcue in the beginning the white guy who grabs her x takes her away was the music video director x creative assistant to MissE on this video x pretty much all her videos during her career; Dave Meyers! he also did Ludacris’ videos! genius, to say the least."

42. Michael Scott, 2019
"Hype Williams!"

43. B Gray
"YOO #Missy been WAAAY ahead of the game before we were woke lol"

43. Jasmine Espy
"Iconic - Afrofuturism"

44. Nicholette Casey's Trains
"Love that the video is a nod to Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a 1977 American science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg... It tells the story of Roy Neary, an everyday blue-collar worker in Indiana, whose life changes after an encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO)."...

45. Ignasty
"This was like 14 years ago, and i am still memorized by the idea of having a bunch of dancers dutch clogging in a cornfield under a UFO searchlight to a bass heavy chorus singing pass that dutch.... just amazing, I miss original music videos like this."

46. Tip Aly
"Just shows how much we need the old school queen mc's to come back and preach it. Tired of the drama queen rapers....."

47. Carolina Murtha
"Her music is amazing, her lyrics are brilliant, and her videos are what won me over completely. I've always loved hip hop but all the videos were very similar. Missy brought a much needed creative surge. Her, Ludacris and Busta Rhymes are the trifecta of creative hip hop videos."

48. Dreaxil, 2019
"Real talk. She out there with it."

49. Karin Melón, 2019
"So true! Love her creativity in her music too."

50. Michael Scott, 2019
"You can thank Hype Williams for that..he is THE man when it comes to creative videos like this"

51. Manny Shaikh
"Everything about this song is art."

52. OhtheSuffering
"I remember being so excited for the release of this video. Sadly, it didn't stay on MTV that long due to them censoring "Dutch" and essentially screwing up the flow of the song."

53. East Fun
"The details are what makes this video so right. From the moving resolution photograph on the desk to the dream Missy has where everyone is wearing an Aaliyah shirt while planes surround the city, Mary J Looking up towards the skyscrapers who planned their Illuminati.. Not to mention-Missy lookin snatched while dance crew on pointe. Iconic Jeep scene. Choreography Masterclass. Lyrical ganja etiquette. Legends only"

54. prefershe
"So this is where Kevin Hart from his movie Soul Plane got the "hootie ho!" call from, I'm guessing, lol!"

55. Munkle
"who's the 5th guy in the portraits?"

56. The Prince of Cookies
"big pun was a rapper but did more spanish rap than anything"

57. shadowfallenable
"The most creative female in hip-hop history!!!"

58. jumbeeTV
"shes literally the only person that would have two or three songs in one video and it always flow..."

59. Balbi Francesca PY
"When this hit in the club we all went wild! Oh the teen years were so much fun! Also when the song came up in mean girls i screamed in the theater ❤️they just don’t make moments like this anymore 🔥🔥💖"
Mean Girls is an American teen comedy film directed by Mark Waters, written by Tina Fey, and released in April 2004

60. Hatsune miku
"This opening monologue is actually so deep, the lyrics she says really hit you. Love Missy."

61. Jordan Anderson
"The dancing the effects the bratz dolls the ending and beginning what not to love about missy Elliott💓💓"

62. Davon Loftin
"Straight fire!!! This Joint is TIMELESS"

63. Nathaniel Marion
"The first minute in this video is the greatest piece of work I know that Missy has ever made."

64. devans00
"Appreciate the calligraphy shoutout. ✌🏾

This video was a whole fashion show. I’m here for the sexy black leather shorts outfits near the beginning. 😬"

"Missy is a beast....happy shes back at female mc of all time"

This concludes Part II of this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

Missy Elliott - Pass That Dutch (Part I - information, video, & lyrics)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part I of a two part pancocojams series on Missy Elliot's 2003 video "Pass That Dutch".

Part I presents information about Missy Elliott and showcases a censored official YouTube video of that Hip Hop artist's record "Pass That Dutch". Although that video features three songs from Missy Elliott's album This Is Not A Test!, this post only presents the lyrics for the "Pass That Dutch" record. Information about that song from is also included in this pancocojams post.

[Added August 25, 2019- Addendum about the etymology of the slang term "dutchie" meaning marijuana cigarette]

Click for Part II of this series. Part II showcases the same YouTube video of Missy Elliott's "Pass That Dutch" record that was featured in Part I of this series.. Selected comments from that video's discussion thread are also included in that post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Missy Elliott for her musical legacy and thanks to Timbaland, Hype William, and all those who were associated with this record, album, and/or this video. Also, thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

Melissa Arnette "Missy" Elliott (born July 1, 1971)[1] is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and philanthropist. She embarked on her music career with all-female R&B group Sista in the early-mid 1990s and later became a member of the Swing Mob collective along with childhood friend and longtime collaborator Timbaland, with whom she worked on projects for Aaliyah, 702, Total, and SWV. Following several collaborations and guest appearances, she launched her solo career on July 15, 1997 with her debut album Supa Dupa Fly, which spawned the top 20 single "Sock It 2 Me". The album debuted at number three on the Billboard 200, the highest charting debut for a female rapper at the time.[2]

Elliott's second album, Da Real World, was released on June 22, 1999 and produced the singles "She's a Bitch", "All n My Grill", and top five hit "Hot Boyz." The remix of the latter song broke the record for most weeks at number-one on the US R&B chart on the issue dated January 15, 2000; as well as spending 18 weeks at number one on the Hot Rap Singles chart, from December 4, 1999 to March 25, 2000. With the release of Miss E... So Addictive (2001), Under Construction (2002), and This Is Not a Test (2003), Elliott established an international career that yielded hits including "Get Ur Freak On," "One Minute Man," "4 My People," "Gossip Folks," and "Work It." The latter won her a Grammy Award for Best Female Rap Solo Performance.

Elliott went on to win five Grammy Awards and sell over 30 million records in the United States.[3][4][5] She is the best-selling female rapper in Nielsen Music history, according to Billboard in 2017.[6] In 2019, she became the first female rapper inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame, and to receive the MTV VMAs Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award for her impact on the music video landscape.[7][8]

Missy Elliott - Pass That Dutch [Official Video]

Missy Elliott, Published on Jan 19, 2017
This is the “clean” [censored] version of this video. This video doesn't include a curse word and also (for whatever reason) doesn't include a portion that Pop artist featured Michael Jackson.

"Throw it back" = showcase a record from the past, usually a record that is now considered a classic

This record/video was first released in 2003.

Click for the lyrics to the spoken word (poem) entitled "Baby Girl" which features Mary J Blige.

Statistics as of August 24, 2019 at 11:13 AM
total # of views - 2,166,282
total # of likes - 23K
total # of dislikes - 529
total # of comments - 839

(Missy Elliott)

Listen up, everyone!
We have been just informed that there's an unknown virus that's attacking all clubs
Symptoms have been said to be: heaving breathing, wild dancing, coughing
So when you hear the sound "who-di-whoooo!"
Run for cover, motherf&&ker!*
Woooooo! Ahh, daddy! Ooooo! Ah! oh, ooh!
Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ooh)
Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ah)
Pass that dutch (ah), pass that dutch (ah)
Pass that dutch (whoo), pass that dutch

[Verse - 1]
Misdemeanor on the flow, pretty boy, here I come
Pumps and a bump make you wanna hurt something
I can take your man, I don't have to sex 'em
Hang 'em out the window, call me Michael Jackson (hehehee!)
I'm a pain in your rectum, I am that bitch y'all slept on
Heavy hitter, rhyme spitter, call me Re-Run
Hey, hey, hey, I'm what's happ'nin
Hpnotiq in my drink (That’s right!)
Shake ya ass 'til it stink (That's right!)
Mr. Mos' on the beat (That's right!)
Put it down for the streets (That's right!)

Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Come on, pass the dutch, baby! (ahh!)
Shake-shake shake ya stuff, ladies!
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat (ahh!)
Don't stop, get it 'til ya clothes get wet

[Verse - 2]
Number one; drums go bump, bump, bump
This beat here will make your pum pum jump
If you's a fat one, put your clothes back on
Before you start putting pot holes in my lawn
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh
I'm under attack like my name was Saddam
I am the bomb from New York to Milan
And I can write a song sicker than Jeffrey Dahm'
(Woop woop!) Don't touch my car alarm
Break in my car, you will hear "Viper Armed"
I've been a superstar since Daddy Kane was raw
I'm live on stage, c'mon and give me some applause
"Thank you! Oh, thank you, you all are so wonderful!"

Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Come on, pass the dutch, baby! (ahh!)
Shake-shake shake ya stuff, ladies!
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat (ahh!)
Don't stop, get it 'til ya clothes get wet

Listen up, motherf&&kers
You have five seconds to catch your breath
Five, four, three, two, one

[Verse - 3]
Pop that, pop that, make that money
Just keep it going like the Energizer Bunny
Shake that, shake that, move it all around
Spank that, yank that, dutch back now
Freak him, freak her, whatever your choice
Didn't come to judge, I came to get ya moist
Scream "Who-di-whooooooo!", now my voice is lost
Can I get a ride on the white horse?

Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Come on, pass the dutch, baby! (ahh!)
Shake-shake shake ya stuff, ladies!
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pass that dutch, pass that dutch
Pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat (ahh!)
Don't stop, get it 'til ya clothes get wet

Pop that
Pass that dutch, baby!
Jiggle that fat

*This word is fully spelled out in the lyrics.

Here's information about Missy Elliott's "Pass That Dutch" from that site:
"Following quickly on the heels of her 2002 album Under Construction with its international smash hit “Work It,” Missy Elliott delivered “Pass That Dutch,” the lead single from her 2003 album This Is Not A Test!. The 808-laden, clap happy, and readily twerkable song was produced by Timbaland.

The dark-humored music video features the cartoonish special effects Missy has come to be known for. In one scene, she’s rapping as scarecrow in a corn field, while black-clad dancers execute choreography around her. Just as quickly, Missy morphs into a Fred “Rerun” Berry styled pop-lock dancer in a retro TV show. The following scene finds Missy riverdancing in a cheerleader outfit. Oddly, the video begins with the interlude “Baby Girl” as a introduction and ends with a verse of “Wake Up” essentially introducing the viewer to the first 3 tracks on Missy’s album in the course of one music video.

"What does Jiggle that fat, pum pum, and white horse mean?
When Missy says, “pop that, pop that, jiggle that fat” she’s referring to dancing – and the most obvious kind to involve “popping” and “jiggling” would be, good old fashioned twerking.

As for “pum pum,” that’s Jamaican slang for vagina.

And “white horse” has a long established nickname for cocaine, though Missy’s reference to it on this song is more her typical nonsensical nonsequitur than an endorsement of or reference to the drug itself. My guess is that it just happened to fit the rhyme scheme."
-end of quote-

In the context of this Missy Elliott record, "Pass that Dutch" means to pass (share) a reefer (blunt; marijuana) cigarette.

Here's information about the etymology of the slang word "dutchie" for marijuana cigarettes:

(slang, smoking) A cannabis blunt rolled inside a Dutch Masters cigar.
(slang, smoking) A cannabis joint."

Here's information about the cigar brand name "Dutch masters":
"Dutch Masters is a brand of natural wrapped cigars sold in the United States since 1912. Its distinctive packaging features Rembrandt's 1662 painting The Syndics of the Drapers' Guild (De Staalmeesters). Dutch Masters cigars are currently manufactured and sold by Imperial Brands. They are machine-rolled cigars and come in two varieties: standard cigars and smaller cigarillos. [1][2]"...

Thanks to Jill Abruzzio whose August 25, 2019 email motivated me to look up this information. Here's a portion of that email (quoted with prior permission):
"Hello! I'm Jill, a white lady educator and Italian American. My grandad used to smoke these and I think they've been around for a while. I don't use blogger, so I thought I'd email you. I wonder if they have anything to do with the dutch terminology?"...

This concludes Part I of this pancocojams series.

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Some Changes In The Rhyme "I'm A Pretty Little First Grader" From Their Rhyme Source "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl"

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Revision: March 9, 2021

This pancocojams post documents examples of the children's recreational rhyme "I Am A Little First Grader" which is an adaptation of the rhyme "I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" and points out differences between those rhyme examples and traditional examples of that source rhyme. This post pays particular attention to examples of "I Am A Little First Grader" that have been chanted by African Americans or that appear to have been influenced by African Americans.

"I Am A Little First Grader" may also be called "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader" or "Swing Swing" or other titles. I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" is also titled "I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl".

The content of this post is presented for recreational and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and featured in these videos.

Click for a closely related 2013 pancocojams post "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader (a variant form of "I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl").

Here are some thoughts I have about some versions of the rhyme "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader" and how they differ from their basic* source rhyme "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl"

*I'm using the term "basic source" here as an indication that many examples of "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader" have lines/verses from other stand alone rhymes besides "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl".

Rhyme Title
The rhyme "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader" is an adaptation of the rhyme "I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl". The referent "first grader" probably replaced "Dutch girl" because
1. the most likely school grade for girls chanting this rhyme was/is the first grade (ages 6 years/7 years)*

2. the girls chanting this rhyme probably weren't/aren't familiar with the referent "Dutch" (meaning someone from the Netherlands).

*Note that in the United States, the usual ages for "first graders" are 6 years and 7 years old.

I've also directly collected or found online examples of "I'm A Little First Grader" in which some chanters say "I'm A Little Second Grader" or "I'm A Little Third Grader" or "I'm A Six Grader" depending on which school grade they are in.

Introductory lines
It appears that examples of "I'm A Little Dutch Girl" traditionally doesn't have any introductory lines. In contrast, many examples of "I'm A Little First Grader" that I've collected from direct (face to face interactions) or found online begin with an introductory line such as
"Wooble wooble wooble and the deep blue sea"

"Zing Zing Zing at the bottom of the sea"

"Swing swing swing on a summer's day"

I've found these exact same introductory verses/lines or very similar verses/lines in other (African American originated) children's recreational hand clap rhymes. The hand movements for the introductory line are different from the movements that are done for the rest of the rhyme. I actually I don't consider the rhyme to begin until after that line has been chanted and therefore I don't use that introductory line as the titles for these rhymes.
Here's an example of "I Am A Pretty First Grader" that I collected in 2000 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Example #1:
Wooble Wooble Wooble and the deep blue sea
I am a little __ * first grade
as pretty as can __ be be.
And all the boys around my house
go crazy over __ me me.

My boyfriend's name is __ Yellow.
He comes from Ala__bama
with 25 toes
and a pickle on his nose
and this is how the story goes.

One day I was ah __ walkin
I saw my boyfriend __ talking
to a very pretty girl
with strawberry curls.
And this is what she said

"I L-O-V-E __ love you."
"I K-I-S-S __ kiss you."
"I A-D-O-R-E __ adore you"
- two African American and one Vietnamese elementary school age girls {6 years old} Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2000
*The dash indicates that you pause for a beat before saying the next word or the next syllable.

This rhyme was performed as a group hand slap game like "Stella Ella Ola".

Cheating boyfriend
I believe that children's recreational rhymes reflect the lives that children see all around them and help children prepare themselves for adulthood. I therefore find it disturbing that the second part of "I'm A Little First Grader" is about a cheating, unfaithful boyfriend.

The description of the girl the boyfriend was talking to changed from "the prettiest girl" to "the ugliest girl"
In some of the examples of "I Am A Little First Grader" that I've collected, the description of the "other" girl changed from "prettiest girl in the whole wide world" to "the ugliest girl in the whole wide world".

A name of a popular young Black R&B singer or Hip Hop artist may be used instead of "Jello" or some other nickname for the boyfriend

imma little six grader
as pretty as can be be
my boyfriend name is bow wow
he lives in ohio
and this is how my story goes
one day I was walking
I saw my boyfriend talking
to the ugliest girl
in the whole wide world
and this is how my story goes
k-i-s-s kiss you
l-o-v-e love you
m-i-s-s miss you
and this is how my story goes
a b c d
so keep yo hands away from me.
- , March 21, 2005
*"Bow wow" is the stage name of the young African American rapper Shad Gregory Moss (born March 9, 1987), better known by his stage name Bow Wow (formerly Lil' Bow Wow)


The R&B singer Chris Brown's name is found in another example of this rhyme that is given in the 2013 pancocojams post whose link is found above.

"Get your black hand off of me" line

I've collected two versions of "I'm A First Grader" rhymes that end with the line "get your black hand off of me".
Here's one example (along with my notes):

I am a pretty __ first grader
As pretty as can___ be be.
My boyfriend's name is__ Chris Brown*
He lives in Ala__bama.
One day when I was___walking
I saw my boyfriend __ talking
To the ugliest girl in the whole wide world.
And this is what he said.
I M-I-S-S miss you.
I L-O-V-E love you.
Get your black hands off of me.**
I K-I-S-S Kiss you!
-Naijah S.; (African American female, 9 years old; Hazelwood section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; January 14, 2011; Collected by Azizi Powell 1/14/2011
The dash indicates that the chanter pauses one beat before saying the next word or the next syllable.

I met Naijah and her mother and baby sister when they came early for a community African story telling session that I was asked to do in a local Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania library. That session was sponsored by a chapter of a historically Black Greek lettered sorority. While we were waiting for other children to come, Naijah was playing with her computer tablet and I asked her to share with me some rhymes that she knew. Naijah recited this rhyme without my asking for it by name. She said "Girls say the grade they are in when they say this rhyme (like first grade or second grade or fifth grade)." Naijah also said that when she was in the second grade she forgot and said "I am a pretty first grader".

*"Chris Brown" is a currently popular young African American R&B singer and actor. Besides his popularity, I think that Chris Brown's last name "Brown" is one reason why he joins a long line in children's playground rhymes of other people or characters whose last name is "Brown"-for instance "Buster Brown", "Charlie Brown", "James Brown", and probably others.

**Naijah said "The reason why the girl in the rhyme said "Get your black hands off of me" is "because she was mad at him because he was cheating on her".

Another rhyme that Naijah recited for me "ET From Outer Space" also included the "Get your black hand off of me" line. I said to Naijah that I heard that "get your Black hands off of me" line before in other rhymes, and I wondered if if meant that people were ashamed of being Black. Naijah looked shocked and said "I enjoy my heritage".

Click for my comments about that "get your black hands off of me" line in certain African American children's recreational rhymes.

The other example that I collected is given in the 2013 pancocojams post whose link is found above.

Here's a video example of a relatively standard version of "I'm A Little First Grader":

"swing swing" fun hand clapping game

KSquared, Published on Dec 13, 2014
Here's my transcription of the words to this version of this rhyme:
Swing Swing Swing
On a summer day
Hey, Hey.
I'm a little
First Grader
As pretty as can
Be Be
And all the boys around my house
They're chasin after
Me Me
My boyfriend's name is
He came from Ala
With a pickle up his nose
And twenty-five toes
And this is how my story goes
One day I was
And saw my boyfriend
To an itty bitty girl
With strawberry clothes
And this is what he said to her
I K.I.S.S. kiss you
I M.I.S.S. miss you
I L.O.V.E. love you
Transcription from the video by Azizi Powell. The word "clothes" [after the word "strawberry"] is usually given as "curls".


03-03-2016 Pretty Little Dutch Girl on an old children's record (Cricket Records)

alterman156, Published on Mar 4, 2016

This is "Pretty Little Dutch Girl" on an old children's 45 R.P.M. record (Cricket records). Please pardon the scratchy sound of the record as it was played a lot when I was a child.
Here's my transcription of this record:
[female voice]
I am a pretty little Dutch girl
As pretty as pretty can be
And all the boys around my block
are crazy over me.

I have a boyfriend Patty
He comes from Cincinatti
With 48 toes and a pickle on his nose
And this is the way my story goes.

One day when I was walking
I heard my boyfriend talking
To a little girl with the strawberry curls
And this is what he said to her.

[man's voice]
I l.o.v.e. love you
I k.i.s.s. kiss you
I k.i.s.s. kiss you
On your f.a.c.e face face face.

[repeats entire song with children singing along]
Here's a comment from that YouTube sound file that points to the date that this record was released:
Scott Van Leeuwen, 2017
"Thank You. I have the original Vinyl on 45rpm in Australia. I am 51 years old and my Mother purchased this for me when I was about 8 years old. I never forgot it. Thanks."

....'The one we used to sing all the time was

I am a little first grader. As pretty as can be be. And all the boys around my block go crazy over me me. My boyfriend name is Jello. He lives in Alabamo. With a big fat nose and 35 toes and this is how my story goes. One day I was walking. I saw my boyfriend talking to the the ugliest girl named (insert ugly girl name) in the world and this is what he said to her. M-I-S-S miss you. K-I-S-S kiss you. L-O-V-E love you and this is what I said to her.

See my pinkie. see my thumb. See my fist you better run. Recesse's Recesse's Coco Puff mess with my man I'll mess you up."
-Cidnei Gregory, 2019; "Let's Discuss: Black Girl Childhood Hand Games and Sing Songs"
This commenter wrote that this example is from Chicago.


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Video & Lyrics For A "Hello" Children's Song And The Words & Instructions For "Green Color Up", A Contemporary Color Recognition Game

Edited by Azizi Powell

Part I of this pancocojams post showcases the song "Hello" that is sung by K-2nd grade students of Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School (New York).

Part II of this pancocojams post showcases the text (words only) to a circle game called "Green Color Up" that I adapted in 1990 from an old African American children's game called "Green Sally Up". Some of the words in those circle game songs are similar to the "if you have on [name a color]" verse in the "Hello" song that is showcased in Part I of this post.

The content of this post is presented for recreational and educational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the students and staff of Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School. Thanks also to the unknown composer/s of the "Green Sally Up" game song and thanks to Moby for helping to revive interest in that song.


Hello Song by Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade Students

SyracuseAcademy, Published on Sep 23, 2011

(Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School, New York)

Part I
Hello, hello
How do you do
How do you do
How do you do
Hello, hello
How do you do today.

Part II
slightly slower tempo and different tune
If you're wearing [name a color]
Stand up
If you're wearing [name the same color]
Stand up

Part III
the same tempo almost the same tune as Part II
Pat pat pat your legs
Pat pat pat your legs
Pat pat pat your legs
Pat your legs today

repeat entire song changing the color in Part II and the action word in Part III (for instance, change to "clap clap clap your hands")

From "Two Versions Of "Green Sally Up", A Related Rhyme, & Moby's Tune "Flowers" (information, examples, & commentary)

[Note: "Green Sally Up" is also given as "Bring Sally Up" although I think that title is erroneous.]

Here's the tune and lyrics for the African American circle game "Green Sally Up" as recorded by Moby:

Flowers (with Lyrics) - Moby (Bring Sally Up and Bring Sally Down Song)

All In One, Published on Mar 10, 2017

GREEN COLOR UP (a contemporary circle game based on the African American children's circle game "Green Sally Up"
(created by Azizi Powell, 1990, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Performance Directions For "Green Color Up":
1. Players form a large circle.

2. A person is designated as the "Caller". The same person remains the caller throughout the entire rendition of this game.

3. The Caller calls out the color "Green". (If no one in the group has on an outfit with the color "green", the game start with another color).

4. Everyone who has the color "green" on quickly moves to the center of the circle. (People wearing an outfit that has that color can also remain where they are if they so choose.) **

5. Everyone claps their hands and stomp their feet to the beat while singing.

6. The people who have on the color that is called out raise both of their hands in the air and sway back and forth while singing this portion of the song.

6. The people who don't have that color on, strike a pose while folding their arms.

7. The Caller randomly calls out another color. The people in the center of the ring who don't have an outfit on that has that color in it quickly leave the center of the circle. At the same time, people who do have that color on quickly enter the center of the circle.

8. Follow the directions that have already been given, and continue this pattern until all of the colors (for outfits in that people are wearing) are called out.

** I made this rule because I noticed that some children were shy about moving to the center when they were there alone, or even when there were other people in the center.

Caller - Green!
Caller & Group - Green color up.
Green color down.
Green color all around the town.
If you have on green, just raise your hands.
If you do not, just fold your arms.

Caller- Yellow!
Caller - Green!
Caller & Group - Green color up.
Green color down.
Green color all around the town.
If you have on green, just raise your hands.
If you do not, just fold your arms.
-composed by Azizi Powell, 1999 (c)Azizi Powell, 1999

I created this game in 1990 after unsuccessfully trying to introduce "Green Sally Up" to the children in my Alafia Children's Ensemble game song groups. Unfortunately, I don't have any sound files or videos of this game.

I became aware of the 1950s "Green Sally Up" game after someone gifted me with the multi-CD Sounds Of The South album. Before teaching this game to the group of children and their accompanying adults (who attended these sessions and were always encouraged to join in the play), I explained its background and the meaning of the song's words. However, I gave up after several tries as I could see that the children didn't like the game and particularly had difficulty with the "last one squat gotta tear the ground" line. I think that might have been because "squatting down to the ground" is something that little children might be allowed to do in selected places outside when they have to pee and they aren't near any bathroom.

While playing "Green Color Up" some children would complain that another child or other children shouldn't go into the center of the circle because that child or children only had a little bit of a certain color in their shirt, pants, or hat. I redirected them, advising them to focus on themselves and not on other people. Also, some children wanted to count the color of their underwear. I told them that that doesn't count.

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Friday, August 16, 2019

Winnie Nwagi - Kano Koze (Ugandan video & comments with a video of traditional Kiganda dance)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about Ugandan singer Winnie Nwagi and showcases Winnie Nwagi's official YouTube video entitled "Kano Koze".

This post also includes summaries of this video along with other selected comments from this video's discussion thread and information about the Ugandan term "luwombo" that is used in two of these comments and the Ugandan term "gomesi" that is used in one of these comments.

The Addendum to this post showcases a video of a performance of traditional Kiganda dance.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Winnie Nwagi for her musical legacy and thanks to the high school students who are featured in the video presented in this post's Addendum. Thanks also to all those who are associated with this song and these showcased videos. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of these videos on YouTube.

"Winnie "Nakanwagi" Nwagi is a Ugandan singer signed to Swangz Avenue, best known for her award winning single Musawo. She was the second runner-up in the second season of "CocaCola Rated Next" in 2014. She performed with Afrigo Band in a live performance at Guvnor called "Friday Night Live" in April 2016.

Music career
Nwagi's music career began when she became the second runner-up during the second season of "CocaCola Rated Next" music competitions in 2014. She was signed by Swangz Avenue and released a number of songs including Embeera, Katono Katono, Gwenoonya and Kyowulila.

She released her commercially successful single Musawo in early 2016. Musawo was played on both radio and television and attracted attention the Ugandan singer Irene Ntale when she did an acoustic version of the song."...


Swangz Avenue, Published on Dec 7, 2016

Produced at Swangz by Eli Arkis written by Yesse Oman. This video was shot by Swangz Film and directed by Marvin Musoke.
Statistics as of August 15, 2019 at 5:50 PM
total # of views - 2,269,375
total likes - 6.7K
total dislikes - 611
total # of comments - 974

[Pancocojams Editor's Note: I'm most interested in comments that refer to the meaning of the song/video and/or comments that refer to cultural aspects of this video.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.]

1. Becky Nankabirwa, 2017
"That's how u engage a girl in Uganda Buganda"

2. Dr Flora Williams Anders, 2019
"Yes! An African wedding that doesn't look European! Except for the sisters hair! Come on let's do it all the way home land .Our Glory is unmatched!"

3. Peter Ssetumba
"but that's how we do our hair........we mix it up in everyday life"

4. shifrah halifah Nakayiwa, 2017
"habibi yo killing it in tht traditional wear well done love😘😘😚😘😘😚"

5. Milar Sejemba, 2017
"Song of the year no doubt! but the guy who ate the love portioned Luwombo is hilarious lol...he got knocked out thereafter"

6. libgurl01, 2017
"Uganda is blessed with a lot of beautiful talented female singers. Not understanding the language but I love the action.

7. Moses Maloba, 2017
"She praises her suitor that now that he has arrived at their home(to be introduced), let her praise him"

8. liz oduor, 2017
"what does kano koze mean?i love this song though i'm kenyan"

9. barbara prossy, 2017
"that now youve come let me tell every one.introduction for her husband to her parents

10. Peter Ssetumba, 2017
"kano that you've come!!!............she was waiting for his delegation so that she introduces him to her family!!"

11. Katherine Kiconco, 2017
"the guy who ate the drugged luwombo huhuhuhu 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃"
"Luwombo, a traditional Ugandan dish cooked within a banana leaf, is a party favorite. Preparing the dish is a detailed process, which requires cooking a sauce using a variety of ingredients and then carefully wrapping the mixture in a banana leaf pouch.” - Edna Namara, GPJ Uganda

12. Angella Basheijja, 2017
"so beautiful n a gomesi"
Here's information about "gomesi" from
"A gomesi or busuuti is a colorful floor-length dress. It is the most commonly used costume for women in Buganda and Busoga.[1] Traditional male attire is the kanzu.

There are many variations to the origins of the gomesi. One such is that the gomesi existed long before the missionaries and Indians came to Uganda, however, the missionaries introduced the use of cotton instead of the bark cloth, from which the gomesi was originally made. When the Indians came to Uganda, they added the various fabrics from satin/silk blends and the vibrant colors to the traditional attire.

According to some scholars, the first gomesi were made for schoolgirls in Gayaza, Uganda in the 1940s and 1950s. The Christian missionaries who ran the school hired a Catholic Goan tailor to design the dress. The tailor had the surname of Gomes hence the origin of the name. Traditional Ugandan clothing was made from barkcloth, though early photographic evidence from the nineteenth century demonstrates the arrival of cotton from the Sudan and from the East African Coast. The gomesi was originally made from imported cotton fabric, with the aim of providing a loose garment that covered the breast. The Baganda were the first nationality to wear the gomesi. Today the gomesi is the Kiganda traditional dress for women and is also worn by other ethnicities in Uganda.”...

13. Gaël Kingue Etame, 2017
"This song is ART ! Don't understand anything, but I'm feeling the vibe tho'
One love from Cameroon. 🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲."

14. Sue Iranka, 2019
"Gaël Kingue Etame thats the traditional introduction ceremony, the vbride intriduces the groom"

15. Evelyne Nambozo, 2019
"Directly translated means "Now that you have officially visited home,i want to make you known by everyone.""

16. Jennie Daejoyoung, 2017
"Damn, felt like a real introduction! was smiling like a fool the whole time! Winnie, ignore the haters"

17. Peter Ssetumba, 2018
"We've all gone through that, when a Muganda girl takes you to be introduced to her parents..........its a very stressful day in the life of a man!!"

18. Peter Ssetumba, 2018
"The song video depicts a traditional introduction ceremony in Buganda one of the many tribal regions of Uganda. Winnie (Naka)nwagi is a muganda, the predominant & most influencial tribe in Uganda!
Ugandan law recognizes traditional introductions as legally valid weddings especially if they are registered with the government registrar.
Most of the girls in the video are dressed in Busutis also called 'Gomesi', Winnie at a certain point changes to West African wear to match her West African beau......most of Winnie's male relatives are dressed in Kanzus, Ugandan traditional wear!!
Kano Koze (Ow'omukwano) loosely means Now that you've come (my love)........the theme of the song stresses that Now that you've come my love, let's show them our love, let's show all and sundry how much we love each other.........

19. Maximus Byamukama, 2019
""most influencial tribe in Uganda". That was unnecessary. Moreover, many people would disagree."

20. Peter Ssetumba, 2019
"@Maximus Byamukama who would disagree?"

21. ndhego geofrey, 2019
"Uhmm I hear the most influential tribal in Uganda.

22. Rebecca Kt, 2019
"Maximus Byamukama Bagandas love themselves too much 😂😂"

23. Ronald Mugisha, 2019
"@Maximus Byamukama i disagree too its not most influential."

24. Ronald Mugisha, 2019
"Uganda's 50 yrs old we know which one is influential in what area. In leadership forinstance Ankole, Music baganda but is balancing with others, wealth Ankole Baganda, Education most tribes show up here, Army Ankole but is balancing with others, sports depends on which one. Buganda used to be a strong kingdom before not anymore as the executive determines the flow ever since independence. So there is no influential tribe but rather individuals and these shouldnt be measurement for influential tribe.

25. colate nyambura, 2018
"Am a kenyan bh i really enjoy this song tho i dont know the meaning bh i blv its abt luv"

26. Gloria, 2018
"she is singing about a traditional marriage where she's happy that since her fiance has arrived, she will compliment him even though there are some people who envy her. She goes on to say that she will inform the parents about his arrival."

27. Peter Ssetumba, 2018
"its a Kiganda introduction ceremony with all sorts of plots like jealousy from a supposedly close friend, etc"

28. Nessa duh, 2019
"okay in this video is her husband Nigerian cos at 3:15 she's wearing a wrapper similar to the ones Nigerians wear? and also his attire is similar to the one Nigerian men wear. someone help me"

29. Nessa duh, 2019
"never mind i watched the ending lol"

30. Tonny Okello, 2019
"That is what the video is depicting , I doubt she is married though. Just recreating an imagined marriage between a Ugandan girl and a Nigerian man I think. Nigerian brothers have high affinity for Ugandan girls though."

31. Kibuuka Godfrey, 2019
"love the spice of the kiganda dance boom"

32. Belinda Tafadzwa Makwanda, 2019
"I don't understand a word she is saying but i love this song so much, you sing very well Winnie keep it up!!!"

33. Peter Ssetumba, 2019
"kano kozze ow'omukwano love njagala nkuwane=now that you've come my love, I wanna show you off"


Nakabugo Catherine, Published on Feb 15, 2017


The Gombe troupe performing kiganda dance

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